Surely. — Literally, if not; a formula of emphatic asseveration, which originally must have run somewhat as follows: “If I have not seen, may I perish.” The inappropriateness of such an expression in the mouth of the Deity is obvious; but that only shows how completely the original meaning of the formula was forgotten in everyday usage.

Yesterday. — So that Ahab seized the vineyard the day after the murder of Naboth, a detail not exactly specified in 1 Kings 21:16.

The blood. — The plural (margin) implies death by violence (Genesis 4:10).

And the blood of his sons. — The murder of the sons of Naboth is neither stated nor implied in 1 Kings 21, an omission which has needlessly troubled the minds of commentators. As to the fact, it would be quite in accordance with ancient practice to slay the sons of one accused of blasphemy along with their father (comp. Joshua 7:24); and the crafty Jezebel would not be likely to spare persons whose wrongs might one day prove dangerous. The difference in the two narratives is accounted for by the circumstance that the present is the exact version of an eye-witness, viz., Jehu himself, while the former was probably derived from a less direct source.

Saith the Lord. — Literally, is the thing uttered of Jehovah. This phrase, which is uncommon except in the writings of the prophets, and the word rendered “burden” in the last verse, which also belongs to prophetic terminology, together establish the historical authenticity of the short oracle of Elijah, recorded in this verse. Its brevity and the solemnity with which it was pronounced would, we may be sure, stamp it ineffaceably upon the memory of those who heard it. (Comp. 1 Samuel 2:30; and 2 Kings 19:33, infra.)

I will requite thee in this plat. — Another important detail not given in the former account.

Plat.Portion, as in 2 Kings 9:25 (twice).

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