Weeping behind her. — Phaltiel appears to have been sincerely attached to Michal, and it may be supposed that his affection was reciprocated. But it is to be remembered that she was not rightfully his wife, and that David’s claim was prior as well as better. According to 1 Samuel 25:44, Phaltiel was of Gallim, a place thought, from the connection in which it is mentioned in Isaiah 10:30, to have been in Benjamin, and not far from Gibeah; but he had probably crossed the Jordan with the adherents of the house of Saul. Bahurim was on the road from the Mount of Olives to the Jordan valley, and hence on the way from Mahanaim to Hebron, and a long distance from the former. It was the residence of Shimei (2 Samuel 16:5), and the place of concealment of David’s messengers, Jonathan and Ahimaaz (2 Samuel 17:18).

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