David danced. — The religious dances on occasions of great national blessing were usually performed by women only (Exodus 15:20; Judges 11:34; 1 Samuel 18:6). The king, by now taking part in them himself, marked his strong sense of the importance of the occasion, and his readiness to do his utmost in God’s honour.

Girded with a linen ephod. — This is usually spoken of as if David were arrayed in a distinctively priestly dress; but it is remarkable that the ephod was not prescribed as a part of the priestly dress — the ephod of the high-priest (Exodus 25:7, &c.) being quite a different thing — and was worn by others, as Samuel (1 Samuel 2:18). The wearing of the ephod, however, is spoken of in 1 Samuel 22:18 as characteristic of the priests, and in Judges 8:27; Judges 17:5; Judges 18:14, it is connected with idolatrous worship. It is also to be noted that the high priest’s ephod (Exodus 28:6; Exodus 28:8, &c.) was made of shesh, while the garments of the ordinary priests, as well as the ephods of Samuel and David, were of bad. The explanation seems to be that the ephod of bad was simply a garment worn by any one engaged in a religious service, and it is used in 1 Samuel 22:18 to describe the priests, because such service constituted their ordinary life. It was not, therefore, a peculiarly priestly dress, though naturally more worn by them than by any one else.

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