The first chapter had encouraged the Thessalonians under persecution
by the thought of the _reality_ of the Advent. The author has not in
the least changed his opinion about the Advent since writing the First
Epistle. It is still a matter of most practical comfort: “a very
present help.” But no... [ Continue Reading ]
BRETHREN. — The Apostles have won a hearing for the true Advent
doctrine by their sympathetic treatment of it in the former chapter;
now they soften their correction of the false doctrine by using tender
BY THE COMING. — Literally, _for the sake of the coming,_ just as in
English we adjure p... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT SOON SHAKEN. — The meaning would be clearer if we inserted
“so” before “soon,” for it does not mean vaguely that they
were for the future not to be lightly shaken, but (as in Galatians
1:6) that they had already been shaken, and that in an unconscionably
short time since their first teaching on... [ Continue Reading ]
LET NO MAN... BY ANY MEANS. — “Whatever device they may adopt —
spirit, letter, or what not — they are deceivers or deceived; do not
be duped by them.” The form of warning is a mark of St. Paul’s
style. (Comp. 1 Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 5:6)
FOR... EXCEPT. — The words between are rightly supplie... [ Continue Reading ]
IN order to deal fairly with this difficult passage, it will be
necessary sternly to exclude from our view all other passages of the
New Testament which speak of a final manifestation of evil, and,
reviewing the words simply as they... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO OPPOSETH AND EXALTETH HIMSELF. — The original continues a
quasi-substantival form: — “the opposer and exalter of himself”
— well-known descriptions (doubtless) of the Antichrist; several of
the details are drawn directly from the description of Antiochus in
Daniel 11. Being merely descriptive ep... [ Continue Reading ]
REMEMBER YE NOT. — A rebuke of the same character as Romans 6:3; 1
Corinthians 6:19, and, like those, levelled at ignorance of what in
apostolic days were thought the six fundamental points of Christian
teaching (Hebrews 5:12; Hebrews 6:1). The doctrine of Antichrist would
naturally form part of the... [ Continue Reading ]
AND NOW YE KNOW. — Not “now, because of what I have just said,”
for nothing has yet been said in the Letter from which the
Thessalonians could gather what withheld the premature manifestation
of the Man of Sin. The word “now” is not used exactly in a
temporal sense, but as introducing another item.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. — Logically, the “for” belongs to the clause “he that
letteth;” thus:” For, although the mystery is already at work, the
wicked one will not be revealed until he that now withholds shall
“iniquity” have the article in t... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THEN. — Then at length, when the obstructor is gone, two things
shall happen: (1) the Lawless One shall be revealed, and (2) then the
Lord will come and destroy him. The purpose with which St. Paul began
this chapter was to show relatively the date of our Lord’s Advent;
but he is now so engrosse... [ Continue Reading ]
EVEN HIM, WHOSE COMING. — The “even him” does not stand in the
Greek; and “whose” might, again, be rendered by _for his own,_ or
perhaps “though his own.” The purpose of the verses following is
not merely to describe Antichrist more fully, but to compare word for
word his coming with that which will... [ Continue Reading ]
AND WITH ALL DECEIVABLENESS. — “Deceivableness” does not mean
“readiness to _be deceived,”_ but, according to old English usage,
has an active meaning; the words include and expand the list just
given “in all sham power and signs and wonders, and, in fact, in
every iniquitous fraud.”
IN THEM THAT PE... [ Continue Reading ]
AND FOR THIS CAUSE — _i.e._, because they did not care whether
things were true or not. This verse is not a mere repetition of 2
Thessalonians 2:9. _There_ we were told of external dangers which
would attend Antichrist’s coming for them that perish: because they
had not cared for truth, therefore th... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT THEY ALL. — This is God’s purpose in making them believe the
lie — “in order that, one and all, they might be judged.” He who
desireth not the death of a sinner, now is said actually to lay plans
with the intention of judging him: such are the bold
self-contradictions of the Bible! It must not,... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT WE ARE BOUND. — This may be called a recurrence to the subject
dropped at 2 Thessalonians 1:3. The pronoun is somewhat emphatic. It
might have seemed more natural to have sharpened the contrast between
the Thessalonian Christians and the unhappy people just mentioned by
beginning “But you.” It i... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREUNTO. — From the neuter gender of the relative in the Greek we
see that the antecedent in St. Paul’s mind is not exactly “belief
of truth,” nor exactly “sanctification of spirit,” nor yet
exactly “salvation,” but the general state of life which is
compounded of these three notions — “to which t... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREFORE, BRETHREN, STAND FAST. — Such an exhortation is, in
itself, conclusive against a theory of irreversible predestination.
“Because God chose you from eternity, and called you in time,
therefore stand your ground.” If it were impossible for them to quit
their ground, it would be needless to e... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. — Better, _And,_ connecting closely the prayer with the
exhortation, just as in 1 Thessalonians 5:23. “Again,” says St.
Chrysostom, “prayer after advice: this is to help in earnest.” The
word “Himself,” as in the passage cited, contrasts the Almighty
power of our Lord with the partial instructi... [ Continue Reading ]
COMFORT YOUR HEARTS... — “Comfort,” in reference to the
“unending comfort” of 2 Thessalonians 2:16; and “stablish,” in
reference to the “good hope in grace.” The “heart” needs
comfort as the seat of emotions. “In every good word and work” (it
should be, _work and word_) means in the maintenance of e... [ Continue Reading ]