(3) (13) I had many things to write. — Rather, There were many things which I wished to write.

But I will not. — Comp. 2 John 1:12.

(14) Peace be to thee. — The best wish which the Apostle can form, instead of the usual Greek ending, “Be strong,” or “Farewell!” It was our Lord’s resurrection greeting; the internal peace of a good conscience, the external peace of universal friendship, the heavenly peace of future glory begun even in this life. (Comp. John 20:19; John 20:26; Rom. 5:33; Galatians 6:16; Ephesians 6:23; 2 Thessalonians 3:16; 1 Peter 5:14.)

Our friends salute thee. — Rather, The friends. By this appellation, uncommon in the New Testament, St. John recalls our Lord’s words in John 15:13.

Greet the friends by name. — Each friend was to receive a personal message from the Apostle, and Caius would know who they were as well as if St. John wrote them down. In a short private Letter it would be unsuitable to have a long list of special messages as in a Pauline Epistle, especially as the Apostle hoped shortly to see them. John perhaps thinks of his Master’s ideal in John 10:3.

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