Then said he. — The meaning of this verse is obscure. Apparently the person who is speaking refers back to what he had said (Daniel 10:12); and from the question Knowest thou?” &c., we are to infer that Daniel was perfectly aware of the reasons which caused him to come, viz., “to make thee understand what shall befal thy people in the latter days.” But before he proceeds to make this revelation, he prepares Daniel’s mind for a portion of what is about to be revealed, by mentioning the spiritual powers which ruled over Greece. “I shall return to fight,” referring to the Providence which watched over Israel during the Persian sovereignty; “but while I am gone forth” (the word being used in a military sense, as in Joshua 14:11) “the prince of Javan will come,” this word being also used in a hostile sense. The prophet is in this manner prepared for troublous times, which shall occur under the Macedonian supremacy.

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