Was sent unto me. — Better, was put forth, as the same word is translated in Genesis 3:22; Genesis 19:10; Ezekiel 8:3. In Ezekiel 10:7 it is rendered stretched forth, with the marginal sent forth, and the corresponding Chaldee word in Daniel 5:24 is translated “sent.” It is not that a hand by itself containing the roll was sent to the prophet, but a hand, either of one of the cherubim,. or from the throne above, was stretched forth to him. In the corresponding vision in Revelation 10:8, it is handed to the seer by the angel.

A roll of a book. — Books were anciently written upon skins sewed together, or upon papyrus in long strips, which were rolled up, one hand unrolling and the other rolling up from the other end as the contents were read. These were ordinarily written on one side only, as it would have been inconvenient to read the other; but in this case it was written on both sides,” within and without,” to denote the fullness of the message.

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