Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible
Ezekiel 2 - Introduction
Ezekiel 2:3 record the call of the prophet to his office and the instructions given him for his work. As far as Ezekiel 3:13, this seems to have been still in the presence of the vision of Ezekiel 1; then he was directed to go to another place, where he remains silent among the captives for seven days (Ezekiel 3:14). At the end of that time he receives fresh instructions (Ezekiel 3:16), and then he is told to go forth into the plain (Ezekiel 3:22), where the same vision reappears to him (Ezekiel 3:23), producing upon him again the same overpowering effect; he is again made to stand up, and further instructed.
The full time occupied by these things is not expressly mentioned, but it was apparently just eight days from the first to the second appearance of the vision — from the beginning to the completion of his prophetic consecration. This period, corresponding to the period of the consecration of Aaron and his sons (Leviticus 8:33 to Leviticus 9:4), must have been peculiarly impressive to the priestly Ezekiel, and have added its own power of association to the other solemnities of his call. Since the time of Moses there had been no other prophet whose call had been accompanied by such manifestations of the Divine glory, and perhaps no time in which the condition of the Church had made them so important.