(1) AND JACOB... — This verse is not the beginning of a new section,
but the conclusion of the _Tôldôth Esau._ In Genesis 36:6, we read
that Esau went into a land away from Jacob. Upon this follows in
Genesis 37:8, “And Esau dwelt in Mount Seir;” and now the
necessary information concerning... [ Continue Reading ]
(2) THE GENERATIONS OF JACOB. — This _Tôldôth,_ according to the
undeviating rule, is the history of Jacob’s descendants, and
specially of Joseph. So the _Tôldôth_ of the heaven and earth
(Genesis 2:4) gives the history of the creation a... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WAS THE SON OF HIS OLD AGE. — Jacob was ninety-one when Joseph
was born; but at Benjamin’s birth he was eight or nine years older;
and according to the common belief that Jacob was only twenty years in
Padan-aram, the four sons of the handmaids must have been about
Joseph’s age, and Leah’s last t... [ Continue Reading ]
JOSEPH DREAMED A DREAM. — Though dreams as a rule do but arise from
the mind being wearied with overmuch business (Ecclesiastes 5:3), or
other trivial causes; yet as being from time to time used by God for
providential purposes, they are occasionally described as a lower kind
of prophecy (Numbers 12... [ Continue Reading ]
STOOD UPRIGHT. — Heb., _took its station._ It is the verb used in
Genesis 24:13, where see Note. It implies that the sheaf took the
position of chief. We gather from this dream that Jacob practised
agriculture, not occasionally, as had been the case with Isaac
(Genesis 26:12), but regularly, as seem... [ Continue Reading ]
HE DREAMED YET ANOTHER DREAM. — In Joseph’s history the dreams are
always double, though in the case of those of the chief butler and
baker, the interpretation was diverse.... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS FATHER REBUKED HIM. — In making the sun and moon bow down before
him. Joseph’s dream seemed to violate the respect due to parents. As
Jacob probably regarded his son’s dreams as the result of his
letting his fancy dwell upon ideas of self-exaltation, he rightly
rebuked him; while, nevertheless,... [ Continue Reading ]
SHECHEM. — Jacob’s sons seem to have retained Shechem, by right of
their high-handed proceedings. related in Genesis 34:27. By seizing
the “_tafs”_ of the Shechemites, Simeon and Levi must have added.
large numbers of grown men to the roll of their retainers; and after
accustoming them to their serv... [ Continue Reading ]
WHETHER IT BE WELL WITH THY BRETHREN. — Jacob might well fear lest
the natives should form a confederacy against his sons, and take
vengeance upon them for their cruelty. They were too fierce themselves
to have any such alarm, but Jacob was of a far more timid disposition.
THE VALE OF HEBRON. — The... [ Continue Reading ]
DOTHAN. — This town was twelve miles north of Shechem, and is famous
as being the place where Elisha struck the Syrian army with blindness
(2 Kings 6:13) It is situated in a small but fertile valley, and
Jacob’s sons, having exhausted the produce of the larger plain round
Shechem, had moved northwar... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS DREAMER. — Heb., _this lord of dreams,_ a phrase expressive of
contempt.... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO SOME PIT. — Heb., _into one of the pits,_ that is, cisterns dug
to catch and preserve the rain water. In summer they are dry, and a
man thrown into one of them would have very little chance of escape,
as they are not only deep, but narrow at the top. The Jewish
interpreters accuse Simeon of bei... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THIS PIT THAT IS IN THE WILDERNESS. — Reuben apparently pointed
to some cistern in the desolate region which girds the little valley
of Dothan around. We learn from Genesis 42:21 that Joseph begged hard
for mercy, and to be spared so painful a death, but that his brothers
would not hear.
Though... [ Continue Reading ]
A COMPANY OF ISHMEELITES. — Dothan was situated on the great caravan
line by which the products of India and Western Asia were brought to
Egypt. As the eastern side of Canaan is covered by the great Arabian
desert, the caravans had to travel in a north-westernly direction
until, having forded the Eu... [ Continue Reading ]
TWENTY PIECES OF SILVER. — Twenty shekels of silver were computed,
in Leviticus 27:5, as the average worth of a male slave under twenty.
It would be about £2 10s. of our money, but silver was of far greater
value then than it is now.... [ Continue Reading ]
REUBEN RETURNED. — Evidently he was not present when Joseph was sold
to the Midianites. This has been made into a difficulty, but really it
confirms the truth of the narrative. For the difficulty arises solely
from the supposition that Joseph’s brethren immediately after
casting him into the pit “sa... [ Continue Reading ]
A KID of THE GOATS. — Heb., _a full grown he-goat._ Maimonides
thinks that the reason why he-goats were so often used as
sin-offerings under the Levitical law was to remind the Israelites of
this great sin committed by their patriarchs.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY BROUGHT IT. — Heb., _they caused it to go,_ that is, sent it by
the hand of a messenger. They were unwilling to see the first burst of
their father’s agony.
AND SAID. — These were the words that were to be spoken by the
messenger who was charged to bear the coat to Jacob.... [ Continue Reading ]
MANY DAYS. — Jacob mourned for Joseph not merely during the usual
period, but so long as to move even the hearts of those who had
wronged him. For not only his daughters, but “all his sons rose up
to comfort him.” Probably he had several daughters by Leah and the
two handmaidens, Dinah alone having... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THE GRAVE. — Heb., _Sheol,_ which, like Hades in Greek, means
the place of departed spirits. Jacob supposed that Joseph had been
devoured by wild beasts, and as he was not buried, the father could
not have “gone down into the grave unto his son.” (Comp. Note on
Genesis 15:15.)... [ Continue Reading ]
MIDIANITES. — Heb., _Medanites._ (See Note on Genesis 37:25.)
POTIPHAR. — Three chief interpretations are given of this name The
first explains it by two Coptic words, according to which it would
signify “father of the king.” This would make it an official name
equivalent to prime minister or vizie... [ Continue Reading ]