The latter part of the ninth chapter was an expansion of Hebrews
10:11. In particular, Hebrews 10:23 have been occupied with the theme,
“Christ entered once for all into the Holy Place, having won eternal
redemption.” The repeated offerings presented by the high priests
have been contrasted with... [ Continue Reading ]
A SHADOW OF GOOD THINGS TO COME. — These words have already come
before us; the “shadow” in Hebrews 8:5, and “the good things to
come” in the ordinary reading of Hebrews 9:11.
NOT THE VERY IMAGE. — The antithesis is hardly what we should have
expected. The word “image” is indeed consistent with the... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THEN. — Better, _otherwise._ The very repetition of the annual
ceremonial was a testimony to its imperfection. The idea of repetition
has been very strikingly brought out in Hebrews 10:1.
ONCE PURGED. — Better, _because the worshippers, having been once
cleansed, would have no more consciousness... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE IS A REMEMBRANCE. — Better, _a remembrance of sins is made
year by year._ In each of the three prayers of the high priest (see
Hebrews 5:3) for himself and his house, for the priesthood, for the
people, he made special acknowledgment of sin. “I have sinned, I and
my house and the sons of Aaron... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse explains those which precede. No inconsistency really
belonged to these sacrifices and this ceremonial, though so often
repeated; for it was impossible that any such sacrifice should really
remove sin. The offering was necessary, and it answered its purpose;
but it could not remove the ne... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE. — That is, on account of this powerlessness of the
sacrifices of the law.
HE SAITH. — Christ, in the prophetic word of Scripture. Though not
directly mentioned here, He has been the subject of the whole context
(Hebrews 9:25). The words which follow are a quotation from Psalms
40:6, and a... [ Continue Reading ]
BURNT OFFERINGS. — Better, _whole burnt offerings._ These (which
were the symbol of complete consecration) are not mentioned in this
Epistle, except in this verse and Hebrews 10:8.
THOU HAST HAD NO PLEASURE. — Better (for conformity with the
preceding clauses), _Thou hadst no pleasure.
_... [ Continue Reading ]
LO, I COME. — Rather, _Lo, I am come_ — I am here. The original
meaning of the following words is not quite certain. The Hebrew admits
of two renderings. (1) Then I said, Lo, I am come! in the roll of the
Book it is prescribed unto me; (2) Then I said, Lo, I am come with the
roll of the Book that is... [ Continue Reading ]
ABOVE WHEN HE SAID. — Better, _Whereas he saith above;_ or, as we
might express it, “Saying at the outset,” “Setting out with
saying.” In the following words the best MSS. have the plural,
“_Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and_
(_sacrifices_)_ for sin.”_ The change from singular t... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN SAID HE, LO, I COME. — Rather, _then hath he said, Lo, I am
come to do Thy will._ The words “O God” are not in the true text,
but have been accidentally repeated from Hebrews 10:7.
important to inquire how this is done, first i... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE WHICH WILL WE ARE SANCTIFIED. — Better, _In which will we
have been sanctified._ In the last verse we read of that which Jesus
established — the doing of the will of God. He did that will when He
offered the sacrifice of His perfect obedience — “obedience as far
as death” (Philippians 2:8). I... [ Continue Reading ]
The last was a verse of transition. Naturally following from and
completing the previous argument, it leads in the words “once for
all” to a new thought, or rather prepares the way for the resumption
of a subject to which in an earlier chapter marked prominence was
given. If the sanctifying work of... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT THIS MAN. — Rather, _but He._ In the main this verse is a
combination of Hebrews 7:27 (Hebrews 9:26) and Hebrews 8:1. One
addition is made, in the words, “for ever.” These words (which
occur in three other places, Hebrews 7:3; Hebrews 10:1; Hebrews 10:14)
are by many joined with what precedes, b... [ Continue Reading ]
EXPECTING. — This word belongs to the contrast just mentioned. He
does not minister and offer His sacrifice again, but waits for the
promised subjection of His foes. Once before in this context (Hebrews
9:28) our thought has been thus directed to the future consummation.
There it consists in the sec... [ Continue Reading ]
No repetition of His offering is needed, for by one offering He hath
brought all unto “perfection,” and that “for ever.” In Hebrews
7:11 we have read that “perfection” did not come through the
Levitical priesthood or through the law (Hebrews 10:19); the object of
man’s hopes and of all priestly serv... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREOF. — Better, _And the Holy Ghost also beareth witness unto
us._ The Holy Ghost, speaking in Scripture (Hebrews 3:7; Hebrews 9:8)
— the Scripture quoted in Hebrews 8:8 — beareth witness.
AFTER THAT HE HAD SAID BEFORE. — Rather, _after He hath said._ The
word “before” is not in the best MSS.... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL PUT MY LAWS. — Rather, _putting my laws upon their heart,
upon their mind also will I write them._ The first part of the
quotation (Hebrews 8:8 in part) is omitted, and also some later lines
(the last words of Hebrews 10:10 and the whole of Hebrews 10:11 in
Hebrews 8). In the remainder we not... [ Continue Reading ]
Every reader must feel that as these verses stand in the Authorised
version the sense is imperfect. The words “after He hath said
before” (Hebrews 10:15) imply “then He saith,” or similar words,
at some point in the verses which follow. Our translators did not
attempt to complete the sense; for the... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW WHERE. — Bather, _But where remission_ (or _forgiveness,_ see
Hebrews 9:22) _of these is, there is no longer offering for sin._ Here
the argument reaches its triumphant close.
At this point we enter on the last great division of the Epistle
(Hebrews 10:19 to Hebrews 13:25), which is occupied wi... [ Continue Reading ]
The exhortation which here begins is very similar to that of Hebrews
4:14. Its greater fulness and expressiveness are in accordance with
the development in the thought.
THEREFORE. — The chief thoughts taken up are those expressed in
Hebrews 9:11. The word “boldness” has occurred in Hebrews 3:6;
Heb... [ Continue Reading ]
AN HIGH PRIEST. — The Greek words properly signify a _great priest_
(comp. Hebrews 4:14), which is one of the names by which the high
priest is frequently designated, both in the Hebrew (Leviticus 21, _et
al._)_,_ and in the LXX. It may seem strange that the writer should
here make use of a new word... [ Continue Reading ]
LET US DRAW NEAR. — See Hebrews 10:1; also Hebrews 4:16; Hebrews
7:25; Hebrews 11:6.
WITH A TRUE HEART. — “True,” the word used in Hebrews 8:2;
Hebrews 9:24, a _real_ — _i.e.,_ a sincere heart. As in Hebrews 6 we
read of “full assurance,” or rather, “fulness of hope,” so
here of _fulness of faith._... [ Continue Reading ]
In this verse again we have the characteristic words of earlier
exhortations: “hold fast” (Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 3:14);
“profession,” or, rather, _confession_ (Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews
OF OUR FAITH. — This rendering, apparently found in no earlier
English version, is supposed to be due to oversigh... [ Continue Reading ]
Gradually the writer passes from that which belongs to the individual
(Hebrews 10:19) to the mutual duties of members of a community.
Possibly he knew that amongst those whom he addresses there had
existed “provocations” that did not tend towards brotherly love.
The strict meaning may simply be — le... [ Continue Reading ]
AS THE MANNER OF SOME IS. — Some members of this community, it would
seem, had persuaded themselves that the relation of Judaism to
Christianity, of the “synagogue” (the Greek word here used seems
to allude to this technical name, and yet intentionally to avoid it)
and the Church, was such as to per... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. — The connecting links are the thought of the consequences to
which such sinful neglect (Hebrews 10:25) may lead, and the awful
revelation of judgment which the final day will bring. Even more
clearly than in Hebrews 6:4 the state described is one of wilful and
continued sin, which is the resul... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT A CERTAIN FEARFUL LOOKING FOR. — Better, _But a fearful awaiting
of judgment, and a jealousy of fire that shall devour the
adversaries._ For Christ’s “waiting” servants the thought of
“judgment” is lost in that of “salvation” (Hebrews 9:27); to
these sinners nothing is left but the awaiting of j... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT DESPISED MOSES’ LAW. — Rather, _A man that hath set at
nought a law of Moses dieth without pity before two or three
witnesses._ The reference is to Deuteronomy 17:2, the last words being
a direct quotation from Hebrews 10:6 in that section. There the
subject is apostasy from Jehovah to the w... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL HE BE THOUGHT WORTHY. — Better, _shall he be accounted_ (or,
_judged_)_ worthy,_ by God the Judge of all, when “the Day” shall
come. In the act of apostasy the sinner trampled under foot the Son of
God, treated with contempt and scorn Him to whom belongs this highest
Name (Hebrews 1:1); and th... [ Continue Reading ]
BY A NEW AND LIVING WAY. — Better, _by the way which He dedicated_
(or _inaugurated_)_ for us, a new and living way._ This way was opened
to us by Him; in it we follow Him. For Him, the way into the Holiest
led through the veil, His flesh. As the veil concealed from the high
priest the place of God’... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LIVING GOD. — As in Hebrews 3:12; Hebrews 9:14 the exact meaning
of the writer’s words is “a Living God;” and a reference to the
first of these passages (and to Hebrews 4:12) will show clearly what
is their force in this place. There can be little doubt that
Deuteronomy 32, from which he has bee... [ Continue Reading ]
In the last six verses the writer has enforced his exhortation by an
appeal to the danger of falling away and the fearful consequences of
unfaithfulness. From warning he now turns to encouragement, as in
Hebrews 6; and here, as there, he thankfully recalls the earlier
proofs which his readers had gi... [ Continue Reading ]
WHILST YE WERE MADE A GAZINGSTOCK. — Literally, _being exposed in
the theatre_ (see the Notes on Acts 19:29; 1 Corinthians 4:9; 1
Corinthians 15:32). Here also it is probable that the word has only a
figurative sense.
WHILST YE BECAME COMPANIONS. — Better, _having become sharers with
them that thus... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR YE HAD COMPASSION OF ME IN MY BONDS. — Rather (according to the
true reading of the Greek), _for ye had sympathy with them that were
in bonds_ (comp. Hebrews 13:3, “Remember them that are in bonds as
bound with them”). The change of reading is very important in
connection] with the question of a... [ Continue Reading ]
therefore your boldness, seeing it hath a great recompence._ To
“cast away boldness” is the opposite of “holding fast the
boldness of the hope” (Hebrews 3:6); the one belongs to the
endurance of the faithful servant (Hebrews 10:32; He... [ Continue Reading ]
PATIENCE — _i.e.,_ brave, patient endurance (see the Note on Hebrews
6:12). The general strain of the exhortation in that chapter (Hebrews
10:9) closely resembles these verses.
THAT, AFTER YE HAVE DONE... YE MIGHT. — Better, _that, having done
the will of God, ye may receive the promise._ To do the... [ Continue Reading ]
The connection is this: “Ye have need of endurance” for “the end
is not yet” (Matthew 24:6); ye shall “receive the promise,” for
the Lord shall surely come, and that soon.
A LITTLE WHILE. — Rather, _a very little while._ The expression is
remarkable and unusual; it is evidently taken from Isaiah 26:... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. — The Greek text of this clause is
not perfectly certain, but it is probable that the word “my”
should be added, so that the translation of the verse will be as
follows, _But my righteous one shall live by faith._ In the Hebrew the
first part of the verse is altoget... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THEM WHO DRAW BACK. — Literally, _But we are not of drawing_ (or
_shrinking_)_ back unto perdition, but of faith unto the gaining of
the soul._ On the last words (which are nearly identical with those of
Luke 17:33, though deeper in meaning) see the Note on Hebrews 10:34.
The exhortation thus clo... [ Continue Reading ]