Ellicott's Commentary On The Whole Bible
Hebrews 5 - Introduction
With this chapter begins the longest and most important division of the Epistle, extending (with one break, Hebrews 5:11 to Hebrews 6:20) as far as Hebrews 10:18. The general subject is the nature of the High Priesthood of our Lord.
Hebrews 5:1 link themselves with the last words of the fourth chapter. The thoughts which have been briefly expressed in Hebrews 4:14, and on which Hebrews 4:16 rests, are resumed, and in this section fully developed. Hence Hebrews 4:16 is connected both with what precedes (by “therefore”) and with the present chapter (by “For”): “For as every human high priest shares the nature of those on behalf of whom he appears before God, and thus can be compassionate towards them, and, moreover, can only receive his appointment from God; so Christ is God-appointed, He has learnt His obedience through sufferings, and, thus made perfect, is declared by God High Priest for ever.”