Whither the forerunner. — Rather, Whither, as forerunner, Jesus entered for us, having become High Priest after the order of Melchizedek for ever. The Jewish high priest entered the Holiest Place by himself — a representative but not a leader. Jesus has entered the true sanctuary (Hebrews 9:24) that He may give His people entrance there (Hebrews 10:19; John 14:2). With this renewed mention of the great high-priestly act (Hebrews 4:14), the writer returns to the words of Scripture on which he was about to dwell (Hebrews 5:10), when the painful thought of the unpreparedness of his readers for higher Christian teaching forced itself upon his mind. In this verse the order of the words taken from the Psalm is changed; in the last words “for ever” is declared with unequalled impressiveness the permanence of our Christian hope.

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