The mode in which this chapter is introduced shows that, in the
writer’s own arrangement, a new division of the argument begins
here. On examination we shall find that there is a clear difference
between the topics discussed before and after this point; though it
was hardly possible, and certa... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW OF THE THINGS... — Better, _Now in the things which we are
saying_ (literally, _which are being said_)_ this is the chief point._
Opinion has been much divided as to the meaning of the first Greek
word, whether it should be taken as “summary” or as “chief
point,” each of these meanings being wel... [ Continue Reading ]
OF THE SANCTUARY. — The word here rendered “minister” (see
Hebrews 1:7; Hebrews 1:14) is very commonly used in the LXX. for the
officiating priest. It is difficult, however, to decide on the meaning
of the words here joined with it — whether they denote holy things
or holy place; if the latter, what... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse and the three following confirm and illustrate the
importance of the statement just made. The general course of thought
appears to be as follows: — That which stands “at the head” of
what we are saying, and gives completeness to the whole, is, that we
have a High Priest who ministers in h... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IF HE WERE... — The oldest Greek MSS. and two important versions
read, “If then He were”; and two other changes in the text of this
verse also rest on high authority. In its correct form the verse will
stand thus: _If then He were on earth, He would not even be a priest_
(that is, He would not b... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO SERVE UNTO... — Better, _men who serve a copy and shadow of the
heavenly things._ So in Hebrews 13:10 we read of those who “serve
the tabernacle.” On the connection of thought, see Hebrews 8:3.
“Copy,” not in the sense of perfect resemblance, but rather a
_token_ suggesting and designed to sugge... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT NOW. — That is, as the case really is. (See Hebrews 8:3.) We
have here another of those proportional statements commented on in
Hebrews 1:4; Hebrews 3:3; Hebrews 7:22. The last of these passages is
closely akin to this. There we read that by how much the Priest
appointed by the divine oath is ra... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE SECOND. — Rather, _for a second._ This verse connects itself
with the words, “a better covenant” in Hebrews 8:6. The form of
expression used clearly points to the intended inference — that
covenant _was_ faulty, and a place was sought for a second; this makes
plain the connection with Hebrew... [ Continue Reading ]
FINDING FAULT WITH THEM. — Not, “with it,” but with those
through whom the covenant had failed. The following quotation (Hebrews
8:8) is taken from Jeremiah 31:31. It is the crowning point of that
collection of prophecies which is brought together in Heb 30-33,
descriptive of the hope and salvation... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT ACCORDING TO THE COVENANT. — The difference is declared below
(Hebrews 8:10). “In the day when” they were led forth out of Egypt
the token of God’s covenant was the deliverance itself. At Sinai,
Exodus 24:7 (see Hebrews 9:18), the “book of the covenant” was
read, and “the blood of the covenant”... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL MAKE. — Literally, _I will covenant_ — not the same word as
in Hebrews 8:8.
ISRAEL. — Formerly (Hebrews 8:8), Israel and Judah. When the reunion
of the nation had once been signified, _“_Israel” could stand
alone as the name of the one people.
I WILL PUT. — Better, _putting my laws into the... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS NEIGHBOUR. — Rather, _his fellow-citizen,_ according to the best
reading. The second promise is the universality of the knowledge of
God. The divine teaching shall not only be internal, but for this very
reason shall extend to all.... [ Continue Reading ]
MERCIFUL. — Literally, _propitious._ On the kindred word “make
propitiation,” see Hebrews 2:17.
TO THEIR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. — Rather, _to their unrighteousnesses, and
their sins will I remember no more._ The words “and their
iniquities” are omitted by the best authorities. Here is given the
third and... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THAT HE SAITH... — Rather, _In saying “new” He hath made the
first old: now that which groweth old and is failing for age is nigh
unto vanishing away._ The very language of the prophet contains a
declaration of the speedy dissolution of the former covenant. If
“nigh unto vanishing” at the time wh... [ Continue Reading ]