(1) CRY ALOUD... — Literally, _with the throat, i.e.,_ with no faint
whisper as from stammering lips, but with full strength of voice. The
work of the preacher of repentance is not to be done slightly or by
speaking smooth things (comp. Ezekiel 13:10). The “trumpet” of the
next clause emphas... [ Continue Reading ]
YET THEY SEEK ME DAILY... — The “seeking” is that of those who
come, like the elders in Ezekiel 20:1, to “enquire” of Jehovah,
and looking for an oracle from Him. The words point to the incongruous
union, possible in the reign of Manasseh, but hardly possible after
the exile, of this formal recognit... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE HAVE WE FASTED... — The words remind us of those of a much
later prophet (Malachi 3:14), but the complaints of the unconscious
hypocrites who are amazed that their service is not accepted as
sincere are in every age the same. Only one fast, that of the Day of
Atonement, was prescribed by t... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD, YE FAST FOR STRIFE AND DEBATE. — The words possibly point to
the psychological fact that an unspiritual fasting irritates the
nerves and embitters the temper. Extremes meet, and the disputes of
fasting controversialists are often as fierce as those of drunken
disputants. (Comp. the conspirac... [ Continue Reading ]
A DAY FOR A MAN TO AFFLICT HIS SOUL. — The phrase comes from
Leviticus 16:29, and describes the soul-sorrow which was the true
ideal of fasting. In contrast with this we have the picture, reminding
us of Matthew 6:16, of the mechanical prostrations, which are as the
waving of a bulrush in the breeze... [ Continue Reading ]
TO LOOSE THE BANDS OF WICKEDNESS. — The words do not exclude
abstinence from food as an act of discipline and victory over
self-indulgence, but declare its insufficiency by itself. So in the
practice of the ancient Church fasting and almsgiving were closely
connected, as indeed they are in Matthew 6... [ Continue Reading ]
TO DEAL THY BREAD. — Literally, _to break bread,_ as in the familiar
phrase of the New Testament (Matthew 26:26; Acts 20:11; Acts 27:34).
The bread of the Jews seems to have been made always in the thin oval
cakes, which were naturally broken rather than cut.
THE POOR THAT ARE CAST OUT. — The words... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN SHALL THY LIGHT... — The dawning of a new day, as in 2 Samuel
23:4; the growth as of new and healthy flesh after long illness;
“righteousness,” i.e., the sentence of acquittal in the eyes of
all the world, as leading the van of a triumphant march, the “glory
of Jehovah” following in the rear as... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN SHALT THOU CALL. — The words point to the secret of the prayer
which is answered in contrast to the formal worship that found no
acceptance (Isaiah 58:2; Isaiah 58:4).
THE PUTTING FORTH OF THE FINGER. — The gesture (Cheyne compares the
“_infamis digitus_” of Persius ii. 33) has in well-nigh al... [ Continue Reading ]
DRAW OUT THY SOUL. — The words have been interpreted as meaning (1)
giving up sensuous desires for the sake of others; (2) ministering of
thy substance; (3) extending thy sympathy. On the whole, (3) seems
THEN SHALL THY LIGHT RISE. — We note the recurrence of the imagery
of Isaiah 9:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN DROUGHT. — Literally, _droughts,_ either with the force of
intensity or as meaning “dry places.”
AND MAKE FAT. — Better, _shall strengthen,_ or _make supple._
LIKE A WATERED GARDEN. — Comp. Psalms 1:3; Isaiah 44:3; Jeremiah
31:12, in the last of which we have the self-same phrase.... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL BUILD THE OLD WASTE PLACES. — The prophet contemplates
primarily the restoration of the public and private buildings of
Jerusalem, but the words have obviously a wider spiritual application.
THE FOUNDATIONS OF MANY GENERATIONS — _i.e.,_ those that had been
lying in ruins, with no superstructu... [ Continue Reading ]
IF THOU TURN AWAY THY FOOT. — The teaching of Isaiah 56:4, as to the
Sabbath is resumed. The form of the phrase implies the idea that the
Sabbath is as holy ground, on which no profane foot must tread (Exodus
THY PLEASURE. — Better, _thy business._
NOR SPEAKING THINE OWN WORDS. — Literally,... [ Continue Reading ]
Better, _of the land: i.e.,_ of Canaan, the idea being that of a
victorious march to occupy all commanding positions, and thus
connecting itself with the full enjoyment of the heritage of Israel in
the next clause.... [ Continue Reading ]