Also in thy skirts... — The general meaning is clear, and points to the guilt of Israel in offering her children — the “poor innocents” — in horrid sacrifice to Molech; perhaps, also, to her maltreatment of the prophets. Their “blood” is on the “skirts” of her raiment; perhaps, if we take another reading, on the “palms” of her hands. The last clause is, however, obscure enough. We have to choose, according to variations of reading and construction, between (1) I have not found it as by secret search (literally, by digging, as men dig through the wall of a house in search of plunder), but under every oak or terebinth, or, more probably, as in the Authorised version, upon all thesei.e., the sin was patent, flagrant, everywhere; and (2) Thou didst not find them (those who had been put to death) in the place of breaking throughi.e., in the act of the robber that would have deserved death (Exodus 22:2; Job 24:16); but because of all thisi.e., thou didst slay them through thy passion for idolatry. Of these (1) commends itself most.

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