I will bring again the captivity of Jacob’s tents... — The promise of restoration takes naturally a material form. The prophet sees the tents of those who still kept up the old nomadic life, pitched once more in the land of Israel (comp. 1 Kings 12:16; Jeremiah 35:10), while for those who dwell in towns, city (the Hebrew has no article) and palace shall rise again from their ruins upon their old foundations on the hills of Judah. The verses that follow carry on the picture of restored prosperity — the streets of the city thronged; the joyous procession of triumphant leaders or of bride and bridegroom; the children playing in the market-place (Zechariah 8:5; Matthew 11:16); the Temple-courts filled with the “congregations” of worshippers; the people ruled by their own councillors and princes, and not by the satraps of their conquerors.

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