Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. — This was probably during the concealment of the two friends, and to the command thus given we probably owe the present form of Jeremiah 25 — perhaps, also, of the earlier Chapter s of the book. But, in addition to the reproduction of the judgment denounced upon the nation at large, there was now a special prediction as to Jehoiakim himself. (1) He was to have “none to sit upon the throne of David.” As a matter of fact, he was succeeded by his son Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah, but the reign of the boy-prince as a tributary king lasted for three months only, and Zedekiah, who succeeded him, was the brother and not the son of Jehoiakim (comp. Jeremiah 22:30). (2) His dead body was to be “cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.” The same prediction is found in Jeremiah 22:18, written probably after the incident thus recorded. See Note there as to its fulfilment.

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