Job 10 - Introduction
X. In this chapter Job reaches the climax of his complaint, which leaves him in the land of thick darkness, where the light is as darkness.... [ Continue Reading ]
X. In this chapter Job reaches the climax of his complaint, which leaves him in the land of thick darkness, where the light is as darkness.... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL LEAVE. — Or, according to some, _I will give free vent to the complaint that is upon me._ (Comp. Job 9:27 of the last chapter)... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL SAY UNTO GOD... — This is a model of prayer for all, combining the prayer of the publican (Luke 18:13), and a prayer for that light for which we long so earnestly in times of affliction and darkness.... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT I AM NOT WICKED. — The meaning is rather, _that I shall not be found guilty._ It is not like the appeal of Peter (John 21:17). See the language borrowed by the Psalmist (Psalms 119:73).... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO DUST. — Comp. Psalms 22:15.... [ Continue Reading ]
POURED ME OUT AS MILK. — An allusion to the embryo. (See Psalms 139:13.)... [ Continue Reading ]
THESE THINGS HAST THOU HID IN THINE HEART. — Job implies that his sense of God’s goodness is embittered by the thought that while showing him such kindness, He had in reserve for him the trials and sorrows under which he was then labouring: while showering good upon him, He intended eventually to ov... [ Continue Reading ]
IF I SIN... — “If I had sinned Thou wouldst have marked me for punishment, and from mine iniquity Thou wouldst not acquit me. If I had been guilty, woe unto me 1 and if righteous, I must not lift up my head like an innocent person. I am full of shame, therefore behold Thou mine affliction, for only... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IT INCREASETH. — This verse is very obscure. Some understand it thus: “But is it so glorious a thing that Thou shouldst hunt me like a fierce lion, and then again show Thyself mysterious and wonderful towards me? hunting me like a lion, and yet hiding alike Thy person and Thy motive from me?” Or... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU RENEWEST THY WITNESSES AGAINST ME. — Some understand this of the sores on Job’s person, which his friends regarded as witnesses — proofs of his guilt; but it seems more probable that the figure is forensic: “Thou still bringest fresh witnesses against me, and multipliest thine anger against me,... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE THEN HAST THOU BROUGHT ME FORTH? — Here Job reverts to the strain of his original curse (Job 3:11, &c.).... [ Continue Reading ]
CEASE THEN, AND LET ME ALONE. — According to another reading, “Let him cease, and let me alone.” In reading this reply of Job’s, one cannot but feel that it moves upon the very verge of blasphemy, and is only redeemed therefrom by its pervading reverence and deep undertone of faith. Job never gives... [ Continue Reading ]