If God be glorified in him. — These words are omitted by a majority of the best MSS.

God shall also glorify him in himself. — The tense now changes to the future, and the glory thought of is that of the Father’s throne. The words “in Himself,” refer to “God,” not to “the Son of Man.” The thought is that the humiliation by which God is manifested to the world is the glory of God in the person of the Son of Man, and that this shall be followed by the glory of the Son of Man in the person of God, not simply and generally by His return to the glory of the pre-incarnate state, but by His return to it as the Son of Man. (Comp. Notes on John 17:4.)

And shall straightway glorify him. — This accounts for the present tense of the last verse. The whole is present to His mind as occurring forthwith.

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