And the other disciples came in a little ship. — Better.... in the boat. The two words “ship” and “boat” (πλοῖον and πλοιάριον) are interchanged here, as in John 6:17 et seq.

For they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits. — That is, about 100 English yards. The shortness of the distance explains how they were able to drag the net in tow. The Greek preposition used with “cubits” (literally, “two hundred cubits off”) is used of distance only by St. John (John 11:18 and Revelation 14:20).

Dragging the net with fishes. — Comp. Note on John 21:6. The Greek is more exactly,.... with the (literally, of the) fishesi.e., those with which the net had been filled (John 21:6).

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