Why do ye not understand my speech,... my word. — The distinction between “speech” (the form) and “word” (the matter which was spoken) is rightly preserved. Comp. John 12:48, “the word that I have spoken.” A good instance of the meaning of “speech is found in Matthew 26:73, “thy speech betrayeth thee.” From John 8:33 onwards, they had constantly misunderstood His expressions. The reason is that the subject-matter of His discourse is altogether above them. He is speaking of spiritual things, which are spiritually discerned. They, if children of the Father whom they claimed, would recognise these spiritual truths and know the language of home.

Ye cannot hear. — Comp. Note on John 6:60. The sense is, “Ye cannot hear, so as to receive and obey.” He supplies the answer to His own question. In the following verses (44-47), He expresses this answer more fully.

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