(41-46) All the towns mentioned here are identified by Conder.

Zorah — Sur’ah

Eshtaol — Eshû’a

Ir-shemesh — Ain Sheme Shaalabbin — Selbît

Ajalon — Yâlo

Jethlah — (Ruin) Beit Tul


Are all in sheet 17

Elon — Beit Ello

Thimnathah — (Ruin) Tibneh


Sheet 14

Ekron-(akir, sheet 16)


Gibbethon-(Kibbiah, sheet 14)

Baalath — (Belaîn, sheet 14)

Jehud — El-Yehudîyeh

Bene-berak — Ibn Ibrak


Sheet 13

For Gath-rimmon, Conder suggests Gath; but this he identifies with Tell-es-Safi, which is well within the territory of Judah (to the south of sheet 16).

Me-jarkon, “the yellow water,” is thought to be the river ’Aujeh (sheet 13), and Rakkon, Tell-er-Rakkeit, to the north of the mouth of it. Japho is Jaffa, on the same sheet.

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