1-8. Wars of Judah and Simeon. Defeat of Adoni-bezek. Temporary
capture of Jerusalem. Judges 1:9. Judah and Caleb drive the Anakim out
of Hebron. Judges 1:11. Debir conquered by Othniel. Judges 1:14. The
request of Achsah. Judges 1:16. Notice of the Kenites. Judges 1:17.
Further successes of Judah.... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. — The “now” should rather be rendered _And,_ as in
Leviticus 1:1; Numbers 1:1; Joshua 1:1; 1 Samuel 1:1; 2 Samuel 1:1; 2
Kings 1:1. The word connects this book with the last, “as a link in
the chain of books which relate in unbroken connection the sacred
history of the world from the Creation t... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LORD SAID. — The answer is given to the priest by the Urim, and
he announces it to the people.
JUDAH SHALL GO UP. — The phrase _“_go up” is used in a military
sense (Joshua 6:5). The question had not been, “Who shall be our
leader?” but, “Which _tribe_ shall fight first?” The reason why
Judah is... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO SIMEON HIS BROTHER. — Both Judah and Simeon were sons of Leah.
It was natural that the two tribes should help one another, because
their lots were conterminous; indeed, the lot of the Simeonites is
said to lie “_within_ the inheritance of the children of Judah”
(Joshua 19:1), and was given them... [ Continue Reading ]
AND JUDAH WENT UP. — Under the leadership of Caleb (Joshua 14:6).
34:30. The former seem to have been _lowlanders_ — “by the sea and
by the coast of Jordan” (Numbers 13:29), “on the east and on the
west” (Joshua 11:3; Joshua 17:16). The... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY FOUND. — The expression perhaps alludes to the suddenness of
their march, which enabled them to take the lord of Bezek by surprise.
ADONI-BEZEK. — This is not a proper name, but a title, meaning
“lord of Bezek,” as Adoni-zedek, in Joshua 10:1, and perhaps
Melchi-zedek, in Genesis 14:18.
THEY... [ Continue Reading ]
CUT OFF HIS THUMBS AND HIS GREAT TOES. — The cutting off of his
thumbs would prevent him from ever again drawing a bow or wielding a
sword. Romans who desired to escape conscription cut off their thumbs
(Suet. _Aug._ 24). The cutting off of his great toes would deprive him
of that speed which was so... [ Continue Reading ]
THREESCORE AND TEN KINGS. — The number might seem incredible, were
it not that the title “king” was freely given to every petty Emir,
and even to village Sheykhs. The “seventy” kings may have been the
rulers of the towns which Adoni-bezek had taken in extending the
territory of Bezek. Josephus says... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. — Rather, _And._
most unwarrantably interpolates the word “_had,”_ meaning it
perhaps as a sort of explanatory gloss to imply that the conquest took
place before the fact mentioned in the last verse. If we are right in
supposing... [ Continue Reading ]
WENT DOWN TO FIGHT. — “Went up” is the phrase applied to
military expeditions (see Judges 1:2); “went down_”_ is the phrase
for special battles (1 Samuel 26:10; 1 Samuel 29:4), like the Latin
_descendere in aciem._ No doubt the phrase arose from the custom of
always encamping on hills when it was po... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT DWELT IN HEBRON. — See Joshua 10:36. Hebron is midway between
Jerusalem and Beersheba, and twenty miles from either. The first name
of the city, which is one of the most ancient in the world (Numbers
13:22), was Mamre (Genesis 13:18), from the name of its chief (Genesis
14:24). It is now called... [ Continue Reading ]
DEBIR. — See Joshua 15:15; Joshua 15:49. In Joshua 10:38, its
conquest is assigned to Joshua. The name means “the oracle.” It
afterwards became a Levitic town. There seem to have been two other
Debirs (Joshua 15:7; Joshua 13:26). This one is identified by Dr.
Rosen with _Dewirban,_ near the spring _... [ Continue Reading ]
AND CALEB SAID. — See Joshua 15:16. Caleb was a “Kenizzite,”
which seems to imply that he was descended from Kenaz, a grandson of
Esau (Genesis 36:11). In Numbers 13:6 he is mentioned as being a
prince (_nasi,_ or chief, _rosh_) of the tribe of Judah. He was
certainly affiliated to that tribe; but i... [ Continue Reading ]
OTHNIEL. — Joshua 15:15. It is here added that he was Caleb’s
younger brother. (See Judges 3:9.) The Hebrew may mean either that
Othniel was “son of Kenaz and brother of Caleb” (in which case he
married his niece); or “son of Kenaz, who was Caleb’s brother”
(as in “Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David’... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN SHE CAME TO HIM. — When she first reached his house as a bride.
SHE MOVED HIM. — He was too modest to ask for himself, and he
declined her request; but she will not enter till she has gained her
A FIELD. — Rather, _the field._ In the passage in Joshua 15:18 there
is no definite article,... [ Continue Reading ]
A BLESSING — _i.e.,_ “a present” (Genesis 33:11).
A SOUTH LAND. — The word also means “a dry and barren land”
(Psalms 126:4). The LXX. read “hast given me (in marriage) into a
south land.”
SPRINGS OF WATER. — In thus asking for the fertile land which lay at
the foot of the mountain slope, she show... [ Continue Reading ]
difficult to disentangle the names Jethro, Reuel, or Raguel, and Hobab
(Judges 4:11); but in my article on Jethro in Kitto’s _Bible
Cyclopœdia_ I have shown that Jethro and Reuel are identical, the
latter name (“friend of God”) being his loca... [ Continue Reading ]
ZEPHATH. — This name is only mentioned elsewhere in 2 Chronicles
14:10, as the scene of Asa’s battle with Zerah the Ethiopian.
HORMAH — _i.e., “_a place devoted by ban.” The name _Chormah_ is
derived from _Cherem_ (anathema or oan), and the verb rendered
“utterly destroyed” means ‘executed the ban u... [ Continue Reading ]
TOOK GAZA... ASKELON... EKRON. — Three of the five Philistian
lordships, to which the LXX. add Ashdod (Azotus). In Joshua 13:3 these
five townships are mentioned as still _unconquered,_ and here the LXX.
put in a negative — “Judah did _not_ inherit Gaza, _nor,”_ &c.
St. Augustine had the same readin... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LORD WAS WITH JUDAH. — The Targum here has “The Word of the
Lord.” The expression is frequently used to imply insured prosperity
(Genesis 39:23; 1 Samuel 18:14; 2 Kings 18:7. Comp. Matthew 18:20).
BUT. — Rather, _for_ (_kî_)_: i.e.,_ they only dispossessed their
enemies of the mountain, for, &c... [ Continue Reading ]
HEBRON. — See Joshua 14:12; Joshua 15:13.
AS MOSES SAID. — Numbers 14:21.
It is remarkable that after this time Judah is only mentioned in
Judges 10:9; Judges 15:10; Judges 20:18. The tribe produced no judge,
with the possible exception of Ibzan (see Judges 12:8), nor is it
mentioned in the song of... [ Continue Reading ]
Joshua 15:63 we find the same statement respecting the children of
Judah. (See Judges 1:8.) Jerusalem was on the borders of Judah (Joshua
16:8) and Benjamin (Judges 18:28). It belongs more properly to the
latter, but the conquest of Zion... [ Continue Reading ]
THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH. — Ephraim and Manasseh. The narrative now
leaves the conquest of southern for that of central Palestine (Joshua
16, 17).
BETH-EL. — The position of this town on the “highway” between
Hebron and Shechem — the main thoroughfare of Palestine (Judges
20:31; Judges 21:19) — gave it g... [ Continue Reading ]
TO DESCRY BETH-EL. — The word perhaps implies a regular siege, and
it is so understood by the LXX. (Cod. Alex.) and the Vulgate.
LUZ. — We are also told that this was the original name of the city
in Genesis 28:19; but there seems to be in that verse a distinction
between the _city_ and the _place_... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SPIES. — Perhaps, rather, _the scouts_ of the blockading
squadron. The Israelites, like most ancient nations, were little able
to take cities by storm, and relied either on blockade or on internal
SAW A MAN COME FORTH. — Probably he stole out secretly, and was
seized by the scouts. S... [ Continue Reading ]
INTO THE LAND OF THE HITTITES. — Probably the inhabitants of Bethel
belonged to this tribe of Canaanites. In Joshua 1:4 their name is used
for all the inhabitants of Canaan, but probably it means the
coastdwellers. They are often conjecturally classed with the
inhabitants of Citium, in Cyprus. They... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER DID MANASSEH. — The sacred historian is glancing at the
conquest of Canaan, advancing from the southern tribes upwards to
central and northern Palestine. (See Joshua 17:11.)
BETH-SHEAN. — The town to the walls of which the victorious
Philistines nailed the bodies of Saul and Jonathan after t... [ Continue Reading ]
DID NOT UTTERLY DRIVE THEM OUT. — This is mentioned by way of blame,
as the cause of their future sins and disasters (Judges 2:2; Josh.
16:16, Joshua 17:13). As to the morality of these exterminating wars,
we must bear in mind that men and nations must alike be judged by the
moral standard of their... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER DID EPHRAIM. — See Joshua 16:10. Gezer. — This town was
not won from the Canaanites till its capture by Pharaoh, who gave it
as a present to his daughter, the wife of Solomon (1 Kings 9:16).... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER DID ZEBULUN. — See Joshua 19:10. Nothing is known of the
towns here mentioned. It is remarkable that Issachar is not mentioned,
but it may perhaps be accounted for by the condition of contented
subjection in which this tribe “bowed his shoulder to the yoke”
(Genesis 49:14).... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER DID ASHER. — See Joshua 19:24.
ACCHO. — The seaport so famous under the names of Ptolemais (Acts
21:7; 1Ma. 5:15; 1Ma. 10:1), Acre, and St. Jean d’Acre (now Acca).
Josephus called it Ako (_Antt. ix._ 14, § 2).
ZIDON. — (Joshua 11:8.) Asher never succeeded in conquering Zidon,
which was the... [ Continue Reading ]
The Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites. — The change of phrase
from Judges 1:30 implies that in these districts the Canaanites had
the upper hand. Thus Asher reached the climax of degradation. The best
summary of the moral lesson involved in the narrative is in Psalms
106:34 : “They did not destro... [ Continue Reading ]
NEITHER DID NAPHTALI. — See Joshua 19:32. Beth-shemesh. — The name
means “house of the sun,” and the place was probably a great
centre of Baal-worship; but this Beth-shemesh in Naphtali is not the
same as Ir-shemesh (“city of the sun”) in Joshua 15:10, which was
on the borders of Judah. It is the “m... [ Continue Reading ]
THE AMORITES. — They were the Highlanders of Palestine (Joshua 10:6;
Numbers 13:29; Deuteronomy 1:44).
FORCED. — Literally “squeezed” or “pressed.”
this tribe was, therefore, the worst of all. So far from reducing
under tribute the Ca... [ Continue Reading ]
MOUNT HERES. — (See Judges 1:33.) Cheres is used for the sun in Job
9:7. The Vatican Codex of the LXX. has the strange rendering, “in
the mountains of potsherds” (comp. the Monte Testacclo at Rome), and
Jerome follows them in reading תֶךֶש for תֶךֶס. The
Alexandrian Codex renders it, “the mountain o... [ Continue Reading ]
THE COAST OF THE AMORITES. — This notice is added to account for the
obstinate resistance of the Amorites, by showing the extent of their
domain, which reached far to the south of Petra. Hazezon Tamar, “the
sanctuary of the palm,” afterwards called Engedi, “the goat’s
fountain,” belonged to them (Ge... [ Continue Reading ]