Unto the rock of Rimmon — i.e., of the pomegranate. As the tree is common in Palestine (Numbers 20:25; Deuteronomy 8:8. &c.), the name is naturally common. There was one Rimmon in Zebulon (Joshua 19:13), another in Judah (Joshua 15:32), south of Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:10; and see Joshua 21:25; Nehemiah 11:29). This Rimmon is a steep conical hill of white limestone (Robinson, 1:440), not far from Gibeah, and fifteen miles north of Jerusalem, six miles east of Bethel (“towards the sun-rising”). It is still called Rimmon.

They gleaned. — A metaphor from the vintage, like the “trode down” of Judges 20:43. (See Jeremiah 6:9 : “They shall glean the remnant of Israel as a vine.”)

Unto Gidom. — A place entirely unknown, and hence omitted in the Vulg.

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