And made merry. — The vintage was the most joyous festival of the year (Isaiah 16:9; Jeremiah 25:30). The word rendered “merry” is hillûlim, and occurs only here and in Leviticus 19:24, where it is rendered praise.” Some render it “offered thank-offerings.” The Chaldee renders it “dances,” and the Vulg. “choirs of singers.” The word evidently involves the notion of triumphant songs (LXX., elloulim and chorous).

Of their god. — Baal-berith.

Did eat and drink. — In some public feast, such as often took place in idol temples (Judges 16:23; 2 Kings 19:37; 1 Corinthians 8:10). It is evident that this was a sort of heathen analogue of the Feast of Ingathering. The apostasy would be facilitated by a transference of customs of worship from Elohim to Baal.

Cursed Abimelech. — Rather, abused. This seems to have been the first outburst of rebellion among the general population, and Gaal took advantage of it.

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