And the bullock. — That is, the bodies of the sin offerings for the priests and the people (see Leviticus 16:5; Leviticus 16:9; Leviticus 16:11), whose blood the high priest carried into the Holy of Holies. (See Leviticus 16:14, with Leviticus 4:11.)

Shall one carry forth. — Better shall be carried forth. During the second Temple four men carried the carcases upon two poles to the place set aside outside Jerusalem for burning. (See Leviticus 4:11.) Hence the ancient Palestinian Targum translates it, “they shall be carried out on poles by the hands of the younger priests.” As has already been remarked, the priest performed this part of the service immediately after the goat was dispatched by the messenger to the wilderness. Whilst the victims were being burned outside the camp the high priest read in the women’s court the appointed lessons for the Day of Atonement (viz., Leviticus 23:26; Numbers 29:7) in the presence of the congregation, who were all standing, and at the conclusion of the reading pronounced the eight benedictions (1) on the Divine Law, (2) on the public service, (3) on confession, (4) forgiveness of sins, (5) on Jerusalem, (6) on the Temple, (7) on Israel, and (8) on the priesthood.

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