The prophet now rebukes the people for their frivolous divorces of their first wives, which was a natural result of their marriage with heathen women.

And this... again. — Or perhaps, And this a second thing ye do — viz., infidelity to the wife of their youth (Malachi 2:14). But the rendering of the English Version is in accordance with the Hebrew accentuation. That rendering is not improbably the right one. It would mean: “And this you do again (Nehemiah 13), even after Ezra has reformed the abuse, and you have solemnly undertaken not to act so again” (Nehemiah 9:10).

Covering the altar... with tears... and with crying outi.e., with the plaints of the Israelitish women who were divorced against their will.

Insomuch that. — Or rather, so that.

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