THEN THE WATERS HAD OVERWHELMED US - Our destruction would have been
as if the waves of the ocean had overwhelmed us.
THE STREAM HAD GONE OVER OUR SOUL - The torrent would have swept us
away. Compare...
PSALM 120-134
The Psalms of Degrees
Fifteen brief Psalms follow, called songs of degrees, or, ascents.
They were in all probability used by Israel going up to Jerusalem
three times a year to celebrat...
STREAM. torrent, or flood. Hebrew. _nahal._ See App-67.
OUR SOUL. us. Hebrew. _nephesh._ App-13. Note the Figure of speech
_Epistrophe_ (App-6) in the repetition at end of Psalms 124:5....
Psalms 124:1. If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may
Israel say; If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men
rose up a...
Sudden and Complete Deliverance Acknowledged
as Jehovah's Own Work.
Stanza I., Psalms 124:1-5, Israel taught to Recognize and Remember the
Extent of her Danger...
Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our
soul: THEN THE WATERS HAD OVERWHELMED US. So in David's psalm, ; ,
THE STREAM HAD GONE OVER OUR SOUL - rather, 'the flood,' as in : c...
This Ps. is sung at the Feast of Purim to commemorate the deliverance
from Haman. It is a gladsome lyric, thanking Jehovah for escape from
heathen destruction, and may well have been composed under th...
STREAM] better, 'torrent,' the winter torrent familiar in Palestine.
OVER OUR SOUL] overwhelming the very life of the nation....
Psalms 107:150
PSALMS 120:134
Jesus said, "We wi
אֲ֭זַי הַ מַּ֣יִם שְׁטָפ֑וּנוּ
נַ֝֗חְלָה עָבַ֥ר...
Psalms 124:1
A SEQUENCE may be traced connecting this with the two adjacent psalms.
In Psalms 123:1, patient resignation sighed for deliverance, which
here has been received and has changed the singer...
Psalms 124:1-8; Psalms 125:1-5
Here are three instances of escaped peril. In Psalms 124:3 is an
allusion to Korah and his company; see Numbers 16:32-33. Why are we
The journey from the place of exile to the city and Temple of Jehovah
has now commenced. The heart of the song is in the words:
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers.
Then the (c) waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our
(c) He uses proper similitudes to express the great danger that the
Church was in, and out of which God miraculously deliver...
_Heart. This God will certainly perform. (Worthington) --- He asks not
for himself alone, and leaves all to the divine disposal. (Haydock)_...
What situation soever it was the church refers to (for it is not
particularly noticed), it is equally instructive to see how faith
refers the whole of her deliverance to the Lord. And very sweet it is...
4._The waters had then overwhelmed us. _He embellishes by an elegant
metaphor the preceding sentiment, comparing the dreadful impetuosity
of the enemies of the Jews to an inundation, which swallows up...
The power of the enemy had been just now (Psalms 124) fully displayed
against them the godly in the land who trusted in Jehovah. But they
had escaped, but only by Jehovah being on their side, or they...
THEN THE WATERS HAD OVERWHELMED US,.... People, comparable to waters
for their multitude, Strength, force, and impetuosity; which bear down
all before them, and against which there is no standing; whi...
Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:
Ver. 4. _Then the waters had overwhelmed us_] As once the Red Sea did
the Egyptians, or as the general deluge did the old world....
_They had swallowed us up quick_ They had speedily and utterly
destroyed us, as Korah and his company were, Numbers 16. _The proud
waters had gone over_, &c. Our enemies, compared to proud waters for...
A song of degrees of David, setting forth the assistance and
deliverance of Jehovah in the midst of great dangers....
then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul,
the result being a quick drowning;...
1-5 God suffers the enemies of his people sometimes to prevail very
far against them, that his power may be seen the more in their
deliverance. Happy the people whose God is Jehovah, a God
No text from Poole on this verse....
Psalms 124:4 Then H233 waters H4325 overwhelmed H7857 (H8804) stream
H5158 over H5674 (H8804) soul H5315...
Psalms 124:1. _If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now
may Israel say; if it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when
men rose up against us: then they had swallowed us up quick,_...
Psalms 124:1. _If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now
may Israel say;_
There is a break here, the sentence is not finished, so finish it for
yourselves. If the Lord had not been on your...
CONTENTS: David gives to God the glory of the deliverances of His
CHARACTERS: God, Israel.
CONCLUSION: God sometimes suffers the enemies of His people to prevail
very far against them, that...
REFLECTIONS. This psalm was written after a victory, when the nine
nations had plotted to destroy Zion, and to extinguish the light of
Israel. Poor deluded nations; little did you know the power of hi...
_If it had not been the Lord who was on our side._
I. Acknowledged as the Deliverer from great troubles (Psalms 124:1).
1. The words represent the great troubles fro...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 124:1. This is a thanksgiving hymn for
the community, for a time when God’s people have been under threat
but have been delivered. The deliverance allows them to continue
This jubilant song speaks of a sudden peril and narrow escape, and
praises God for the great deliverance. We take it to be, according to
its title, a Psalm of David, not a hymn founded up...
"A FRESH, bright lyric" (Cheyne), composed of two stanzas—the first
part (Psalms 124:1) recounting a danger and a deliverance; the second
(Psalms 124:6), praising God for the latter. This i...
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side (Psalms 124:1),
And, of course, I think we could all write our own psalm from this
point on. If God hadn't been with me, let me tell you, you know. "If...
Daniel 9:26; Isaiah 28:2; Isaiah 59:19; Isaiah 8:7; Isaiah 8:8;...