Verse Psalms 127:3. _LO, CHILDREN_ ARE _A HERITAGE OF THE LORD_] That
is, To many God gives children in place of temporal good. To many
others he gives houses, lands, and thousands of gold and silver...
LO, CHILDREN ARE AN HERITAGE OF THE LORD - They are an inheritance
derived from the Lord. They are bestowed by him as really as success
is in building a house, or in guarding a city. The idea is, that...
PSALM 120-134
The Psalms of Degrees
Fifteen brief Psalms follow, called songs of degrees, or, ascents.
They were in all probability used by Israel going up to Jerusalem
three times a year to celebrat...
CXXVII. A. This Ps. is, as is now generally admitted, composed of two
independent Pss. In Psalms 127 A, _i.e._ in Psalms 127:1 f. the
Psalmist's theme is _the vanity_ of toil without Yahweh's blessing...
LO. Figure of speech _Asterismos._ App-6.
CHILDREN. sons. The reference to the fact that Hezekiah was rejoicing
in Isaiah's message that he should have. son, made it. suitable Psalm
for Hezekiah to s...
In Relief of Domestic and Civic Anxiety.
Stanza I., Psalms 127:1-2, Jehovah's Blessing Succeeds our Endeavours,
Allays our Anxieties, and Gives us Sleep. Stanz...
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb
is his reward.
LO - calling attention to a leading instance of the principle that
all depends on God's blessing-namely, children...
A warning against over-anxiety in any work. Let it be left in the wise
hands of Jehovah, who gives the best blessings without human aid.
Perhaps the Ps. was addressed to some too-zealous workers in th...
CHILDREN] according to Jewish belief one of God's greatest blessings,
yet given without the laborious thought and care of men....
Psalms 107:150
PSALMS 120:134
Jesus said, "We wi
הִנֵּ֤ה נַחֲלַ֣ת יְהוָ֣ה בָּנִ֑ים
שָׂ֝כָ֗ר פְּרִ֣י...
Psalms 127:1
THIS pure expression of conscious dependence on God's blessing for all
well-being may possibly have special reference to the Israel of the
Restoration. The instances of vain human effort...
Psalms 126:1-6; Psalms 127:1-5
The circumstances under which this psalm was written are evident upon
its face. The exiles, lately back from Babylon, are re...
The thought of the pilgrim centres upon the city toward which his face
is turned as the place of home. The strength of the Hebrew people in
the past, and all that remains of it today, largely results...
_Sides. Against which vines were planted. (Calmet) --- The married
people who fear God, shall commonly have a numerous posterity; or
their souls shall produce many good works in the Church, which spri...
How truly blessed is it to a gracious parent, when the Lord giveth
gracious children! What a blessed meeting will that be in glory, when
such shall surround the throne! The Lord Jesus is introduced by...
3._Lo! children are the heritage of Jehovah. _Solomon here adduces one
instance in which, in a particular manner, he would have us to
recognize the truth which he has hitherto asserted generally — tha...
These full blessings thus sought, the building the house, the keeping
the city, the desired abundance of children, are all (Psalms 127)
Jehovah's doing and gift, or man labors and watches in vain. The...
safety, and the blessings of life, depend on the providence of God; so
this very great blessing is a gift of his; having children, and t...
Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the
womb [is his] reward.
Ver. 3. _Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord_] This Solomon
could not but be sensible of. See the title o...
_Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord_ They come not from the power
of mere nature, but from God's blessing, even as an inheritance is not
the fruit of a man's own labour, but the gift of God. He c...
A song of degrees for Solomon, a hymn written by him probably in
connection with the building of the Temple, but applicable to all
similar conditions...
Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord, sons are bequeathed by the
Lord as a special gift and blessing, AND THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB IS HIS
REWARD, given to parents as an evidence of His favor, this fa...
CHILDREN; which he mentions here, partly because they are the chief of
all these blessings, and partly because all the forementioned toil and
labour is in a great measure and most commonly undertaken...
Psalms 127:3 children H1121 heritage H5159 LORD H3068 fruit H6529 womb
H990 reward H7939
children -...
Psalms 127:1. _Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain
that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but
in vain. It is vain for you, to rise up early, to sit up late,...
CONTENTS: The vanity of worldly care and the wisdom of dependence on
God for all things in the home.
CONCLUSION: The best designed home will be a failure unless God crowns
it with H...
The man who begins the world aright, must begin with God. The stately
house is built in vain, and the family multiplied for wickedness,
unless it be done in the Lord's counsel, and with...
_Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord._
Children come not into the world by chance or fate. God sends them as
His gifts.
I. They are gifts of great value.
1. They are of...
_Except the Lord build the house._
Various considerations taken together require the opinion that this
middle Song of Degrees was composed by Solomon. It suits the time of
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 127:1. The basic theme of this wisdom
psalm is that without the Lord’s blessing, all human toil is
worthless. This is seen clearly in vv. Ps
children are now grown up and are standing with their father WHEN HE
SPEAKS WITH HIS ENEMIES IN THE GATE. The gate was the place where
Various considerations taken together require the opinion that this
middle Song of Degrees was composed by Solomon. It suits the time of
peaceful house-building and civil settlement and p...
A DIDACTIC psalm, preaching a contented trust in God as more conducive
to the prosperity of a man, or a state, than any amount of fussy
activity. The ascription to Solomon is borne out
Psa 127:1-5 is a psalm that is important for all of us to really get
implanted deep in our hearts.
Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it
(Psalms 127:1):
I spent far too ma...
1 Chronicles 28:5; 1 Samuel 1:19; 1 Samuel 1:20; 1 Samuel 1:27;...
Children — The chief of these blessings. Heritage — Only from
God's blessing, even as an inheritance is not the fruit of a man's own
labour, but the gift of God....