Tarshish. — The question of the identity of this place (or district) with the “Tartessus” of the Greeks is too long for a note. (See Jonah 1:3.) But plainly the mention here of “the isles,” i.e., islands and coasts of the Mediterranean (comp. Daniel 11:18; Isaiah 11:11), is in favour of the identity.

Bring presents. — Literally, return presents, but not in the sense of an interchange of royal gifts (as 1 Kings 10:13) but of “payment of tribute.” The expression is illustrated by the words “revenue,” “custom-house returns,” &c. (Comp. the Latin, reditus.)

Sheba. — The Joktanic kingdom, embracing the greater part of Yemen or Arabia Felix, and so here representing Arabia, (the LXX. and Vulg. have “kings of Arabians”) while “Seba” (or “Saba”), which was Cushite, and was by Josephus (A. J., 2:10, s. 2), identified with “Meroë,” represents Africa. (See Genesis 10:7; Genesis 10:28, and Smith’s Bible Dictionary, articles “Sheba” and “Seba.”)

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