And the devil that deceived them... — Better, And the devil that deceiveth them, or was deceiving them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where are also the wild beasts and the false prophet; and they shall be tormented by day and by night unto the ages of the ages. The devil cast from heaven (Revelation 12:9), bound in the abyss (Revelation 20:3), is now flung into the flaming lake. There they (i.e., the devil, the wild beast, and the false prophet) are tormented unto the ages of ages. (Comp. Revelation 14:10; and Note on Revelation 19:20.)

THE JUDGMENT OF THE WORLD. — The three enemies have been overthrown and driven forth from the earth which they have sought to destroy (Revelation 11:18). The judgment of human beings must follow.

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