Weak in the faith... — The presence of a single strong master-motive is apt to silence petty scruples. Where the “eye is single” — where all the powers and faculties of the man are concentrated upon one object, and that object the highest that can engage human thought or affection — there will naturally be a certain largeness of view. The opposite of this is to be “weak in the faith.” There may be a sincere desire to lead a religious life, and yet the mind is taken up with petty details, each of which is painfully judged by itself, and not by reference to a central principle.

Receive ye. — Take to yourselves, stretch out the hand of friendship to him.

Doubtful disputations. — The marginal rendering is more exact, “to judge his doubtful thoughts,” or “to criticise his scruples.” The strong are to deal tenderly with the weak, and not engage them in casuistical discussions.

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