Nor is it only the rest of creation that groans. We Christians, too, though we possess the firstfruits of the Spirit, nevertheless inwardly groan, sighing for the time when our adoption as the sons of God will be complete, and even our mortal bodies will be transfigured.

Which have the firstfruits of the Spirit. — Though we have received the first partial outpouring of the Spirit, as opposed to the plenitude of glory in store for us.

The adoption. — The Christian who has received the gift of the Spirit is already an adopted child of God. (See Romans 8:15.) But this adoption still has to be ratified and perfected, which will not be until the Coming of Christ.

The redemption of our body. — One sign of the imperfect sonship of the Christian is that mortal and corruptible body in which the better and heavenly part of him is imprisoned. That, too, shall be transformed and glorified, and cleared from all the defect of its earthly condition. (Comp. 1 Corinthians 15:49; 2 Corinthians 5:1 et sea.; Philippians 3:21.)

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