Verse 1 Chronicles 21:20. Ornan turned back, and saw the angel] The Septuagint say, And Orna turned, και ειδε τον βασιλεα, and saw the KING. The Syriac and Arabic say, David saw the angel; and do not mention Ornan in this place. Houbigant translates the same reading המלך hammalech, the king, for המלעך hammalach, the angel, and vindicates his version from the parallel place, 2 Samuel 24:20, where it is said, he saw David: but there is no word of his seeing the angel. But the seeing David is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 21:21; though Houbigant supposes that the 20th verse refers to his seeing the king while he was at a distance; the 21st, to his seeing him when he came into the threshing-floor. In the first instance he and his sons were afraid when they saw the king coming, and this caused them to hide themselves; but when he came into the threshing-floor, they were obliged to appear before him. One of Kennicott's MSS. has המלך the king, instead of המלאך the angel. Some learned men contend for the former reading.

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