_David enumerates the gifts which he designed for the building_
_of the temple; and exhorts the princes and people to make_
_their offerings_, 1-5.
_They offer willingly, and to a great amount_, 6-9.
_David's thanksgiving and prayer to God on the occasion_, 10-19.
_The princes and... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:2. _AND MARBLE STONES_] אבני שיש _abney
shayish_, which the Vulgate translates _marmor Parium, Parian marble_.
_Paros_ was one of the Cyclade islands, and produced the _whitest_ and
_finest_ marble, that of which most of the finest works of antiquity
have been made. That the wo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:5. _TO CONSECRATE HIS SERVICE_] למלאות
ידו _lemalloth yado,_ _to fill his hand_; to bring an offering to
the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:7. _OF GOLD FIVE THOUSAND TALENTS_] These, at
_five thousand_ _and seventy-five pounds, fifteen shillings, and seven
pence_ _halfpenny_ each, amount to _twenty-five millions, three
hundred and_ _seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and six pounds,
five_ _shillings_, sterling. I... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:11. _THINE, O LORD_, IS _THE GREATNESS_] This
verse is thus paraphrased by the _Targum_: "_Thine, O Lord, is the
magnificence_; for thou hast created the world by thy _great power_,
and by thy _might_ hast led our fathers out of Egypt, and with great
signs hast caused them to... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:14. _OF THINE OWN HAVE WE GIVEN THEE._] "For
from thy presence all good comes, and of the blessings of thy hands
have we given thee."-_Targum_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:15. _FOR WE_ ARE _STRANGERS_] We have here
neither _right_ nor _property_.
_AND SOJOURNERS_] Lodging as it were for a _night_, in the mansion of
AS WERE _ALL OUR FATHERS_] These were, as we are supported by thy
bounty, and tenants at will to thee.
_OUR DAYS ON THE E... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:18. _KEEP THIS FOR EVER_] All the good
dispositions which myself and my people have, came from thee; continue
to support and strengthen them by the same grace by which they have
been inspired!... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:19. _GIVE UNTO SOLOMON - A PERFECT HEART_] This
he did, but Solomon abused his mercies.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:20. _WORSHIPPED THE LORD, AND THE KING._] They
did reverence to God as the _supreme Ruler_, and to the king as his
_deputy_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:21. _WITH THEIR DRINK-OFFERINGS_] The _Targum_
says _a thousand_ _drink-offerings_, making these _libations_ equal in
number to the other offerings.
_AND SACRIFICES_] These were peace-offerings, offered for the people,
and on the flesh of which they feasted.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:22. _THEY MADE SOLOMON - KING THE SECOND TIME_]
The _first_ time of his being anointed and proclaimed king was when
his brother Adonijah affected the throne; and Zadok, Nathan, and
Benaiah anointed and proclaimed him in a hurry, and without pomp. See
1 Kings 1:39. Now that all... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:24. _SUBMITTED THEMSELVES_] נתנו יד תחת
שלמה _nathenu yad_ _tachath Shelomoh_. "They gave the hand under
Solomon;" they _swore_ _fealty_ to him. We have already seen that
_putting the hand under_ _the thigh_ (_super sectionem
circumcisionis_) was the _form_ of taking an oath. G... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:28. _AND HE DIED_] David, at his death, had
every thing that his heart could wish.
1. A _good old age_, having lived as long as living could be
desirable, and having in the main enjoyed good health.
2. _Full of days_; having lived till he saw every thing that he lived
for eit... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:29. _THE ACTS OF DAVID - FIRST AND LAST_] Those
which concerned him in _private life_, as well as those which grew out
of his _regal_ government. All these were written by _three_ eminent
men, personally acquainted with him through the principal part of his
life; these were _Sa... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Chronicles 29:30. _THE TIMES THAT WENT OVER HIM_] The
transactions of his reign, and the occurrences and vicissitudes in his
own kingdom, as well as those which were _over all the kingdoms of the
countries_, i.e., in the surrounding nations, in most of which David
had a share during his fort... [ Continue Reading ]