_Solomon's attachment to strange women, and consequent idolatry_,
1, 2.
_Number of his wives and concubines_, 3.
_In his old age they turn away his heart from God_, 4.
_He builds temples to idols, burns incense and sacrifices to_
_them_, 5-8.
_The Lord is angry with him, and threat... [ Continue Reading ]
could get so many of the blood royal from the different surrounding
nations, is astonishing; but probably the daughters of _noblemen,_
_generals_, c., may be included.
_AND THREE HUNDRED CONCUBINES_] These were _wives of the secon... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:7. _THE HILL THAT IS BEFORE JERUSALEM_] This was the
_Mount_ _of Olives_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:9. _THE LORD WAS ANGRY WITH SOLOMON_] Had not this
man's delinquency been strongly marked by the Divine disapprobation,
it would have had a fatal effect on the morals of mankind. Vice is
_vice_, no matter who commits it. And God is as much displeased with
sin in Solomon as he can b... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:11. _FORASMUCH AS THIS IS DONE OF THEE_] Was not this
another warning from the Lord? And might not Solomon have yet
recovered himself? Was there not mercy in this message which he might
have sought and found?... [ Continue Reading ]
SAKE_] The line of the _Messiah_ must be preserved. The _prevailing
lion_ must come out of the tribe of Judah: not only the tribe must be
preserved, but the _regal line_ and the _regal right_. All this must
be done for the _true Davi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:14. _THE LORD STIRRED UP AN ADVERSARY_] _A satan_,
שטן. When he sent to Hiram to assist him in building the temple of
the Lord, he could say, _There was no satan_, see 1 Kings 5:4; and all
his kingdom was in peace and security, - _every than dwelt under his_
_vine, and under his fig... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:15. _WAS GONE UP TO BURY THE SLAIN_] The slain
Edomites; for Joab had in the course of six months exterminated all
the males, except Hadad and his servants, who escaped to Egypt.
Instead of _bury the slain_, the Targum has to _take the spoils of the
slain_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:17. _HADAD_ BEING _YET A LITTLE CHILD._] נער
קטן _naar_ _katan, a little boy_; one who was apprehensive of his
danger, and could, with his father's servants, make his escape: not an
infant.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:18. _THESE AROSE OUT OF MIDIAN_] They at first
retired to Midian, which lay to the southwest of the Dead Sea. Not
supposing themselves in safety there, they went afterwards to _Paran_
in the south of Idumea, and getting a number of persons to join them
in Paran, they went straight t... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:22. _LET ME GO IN ANY WISE._] It does not appear that
he avowed his real intention to Pharaoh; for at this time there must
have been peace between Israel and Egypt, Solomon having married the
daughter of Pharaoh.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 23. _REZON THE SON OF ELIADAH_] Thus God fulfilled his
threatening by the prophet Nathan: _If he commit iniquity, I will_
_chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the_
_children of men_; 2 Samuel 7:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 24. _AND REIGNED IN DAMASCUS._] Rezon was one of the captains of
Hadadezer, whom David defeated. It seems that at this time Rezon
escaped with his men; and; having lived, as is supposed, some time by
plunder, he seized on Damascus, and reigned there till David took
Damascus, when he subdued Sy... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 26. _JEROBOAM THE SON OF NEBAT_] From the context we learn that
Jeroboam while a young man was employed by Solomon to superintend the
improvements and buildings at _Millo_, and had so distinguished
himself there by his industry and good conduct as to attract general
notice, and to induce Solom... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 29. _WHEN JEROBOAM WENT OUT OF JERUSALEM_] On what errand he was
going out of Jerusalem, we know not.
_AHIJAH THE SHILONITE_] He was one of those who wrote the history of
the reign of Solomon, as we find from 2 Chronicles 9:29, and it is
supposed that it was by him God spake twice to Solomon;... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 31. _TAKE THEE TEN PIECES_] The _garment_ was the symbol of the
_kingdom of Israel_; the _twelve pieces_ the symbol of the _twelve_
_tribes_; the _ten pieces_ given to Jeroboam, of the _ten tribes_
which should be given to him, and afterwards form the _kingdom_ of
_Israel_, ruling in Samaria,... [ Continue Reading ]
posterity may never fail, and the regal line never become extinct.
This, as we have already seen, was in reference to the Messiah. He was
not only _David's light_, but he was a _light to enlighten the_
_Gentiles_.... [ Continue Reading ]
this that Jeroboam had affected the kingdom, and was seeking for an
opportunity to seize on the government. God now tells him, by his
prophet, _what he shall have_, and _what he shall not have_, in order
to prevent him from attempt... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 38. _AND BUILD THEE A SURE HOUSE_] He would have continued his
posterity on the throne of Israel, had he not by his wickedness
forfeited the promises of God, and thrown himself out of the
protection of the Most High.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 39. _BUT NOT FOR EVER._] They shall be in affliction and
distress till the Messiah come, who shall sit on the throne of David
to order it and establish it in judgment and justice for ever. Jarchi
says, on this verse, "When the Messiah comes, the kingdom shall be
restored to the house of David.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:40. _SOUGHT - TO KILL JEROBOAM._] He thought by this
means to prevent the punishment due to his crimes.
_UNTO SHISHAK KING OF EGYPT_] This is the first time we meet with the
_proper name_ of an Egyptian king, _Pharaoh_ being the common name for
all the sovereigns of that country. S... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:41. _THE BOOK OF THE ACTS OF SOLOMON?_] These acts
were written by Nathan the prophet, Ahijah the Shilonite, and Iddo the
seer; as we learn from 2 Chronicles 9:29. Probably from these were the
Books of Kings and Chronicles composed; but the original documents are
long since lost.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:42. _SOLOMON REIGNED - FORTY YEARS._] Josephus says
_fourscore_ _years_, which is sufficiently absurd. Calmet supposes him
to have been _eighteen_ years old when he came to the throne, and that
he died A.M. 3029, aged _fifty-eight_ years; and, when we consider the
excess in which he... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Kings 11:43. _SOLOMON SLEPT WITH HIS FATHERS_] He died in
almost the flower of his age, and, it appears unregretted. His
government was no blessing to Israel; and laid, by its exactions and
oppressions, the foundation of that schism which was so fatal to the
unhappy people of Israel and Juda... [ Continue Reading ]