_Jonathan and David commence a lasting friendship; and David_
_acts prudently with respect to Saul_, 1-5
_Saul becomes jealous of David, on account of the esteem in_
_which he is held in Israel; and, in his fury endeavours to_
_destroy him_, 6-12.
_David is made captain over a th... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:4. _JONATHAN STRIPPED HIMSELF_] Presents of
_clothes_ or _rich_ _robes_, in token of respect and friendship, are
frequent in the East. And how frequently _arms_ and _clothing_ were
presented by warriors to each other in token of friendship, may be
seen in Homer and other ancient wr... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:5. _SET HIM OVER THE MEN OF WAR_] Made him
_generalissimo_; or what we would call _field marshal_.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:6. _WHEN DAVID WAS RETURNED_] This verse connects
well with the 54th verse of the preceding chapter; 1 Samuel 17:54 and
carries on the narration without any break or interruption. See the
notes there.
_THE WOMEN CAME OUT_] It was the principal business of certain women
to celebrat... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:7. _SAUL HATH SLAIN HIS THOUSANDS_] As it cannot
literally be true that Saul had slain thousands, and David ten
thousands; it would be well to translate the passage thus: _Saul hath
smitten_ or _fought against thousands; David against tens of
thousands_. "Though Saul has been victo... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:10. _THE EVIL SPIRIT FROM GOD_] See on 1 Samuel
16:14, c.
_HE PROPHESIED IN THE MIDST OF THE HOUSE_] He was _beside himself_
made _prayers, supplications_, and incoherent _imprecations_: "God
preserve my life," "Destroy my enemies," or such like prayers, might
frequently escape fr... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:11. _SAUL CAST THE JAVELIN_] The _javelin_ or
_spear_ was the emblem of regal authority; kings always had it at
hand, and in ancient monuments they are always represented with it.
In ancient times, says _Justin_, kings used a _spear_ instead of a
diadem: _Per ea tempora reges_ has... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:13. _MADE HIM HIS CAPTAIN_] This was under pretence
of doing him honour, when it was in effect only to rid himself of the
object of his envy.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:15. _HE WAS AFRAID OF HIM._] He saw that, by his
prudent conduct, he was every day gaining increasing influence.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:17. _FIGHT THE LORD'S BATTLES._] Mr. Calmet properly
remarks that the wars of the Hebrews, while conducted by the express
orders of God, were truly _the wars of the Lord_; but when the spirit
of worldly ambition and domination became mingled with them, they were
no longer the wars... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:21. _THAT SHE MAY BE A SNARE TO HIM_] Saul had
already determined the condition on which he would give his daughter
to David; viz., that he _should slay one hundred Philistines_: this he
supposed he would undertake for the love of Michal, and that he must
necessarily perish in the... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:25. _BUT A HUNDRED FORESKINS_] That is, Thou shalt
slay one hundred Philistines, and thou shalt produce their
_foreskins_, as a proof, not only that thou hast killed one hundred
men, but that these are of the _uncircumcised_. A custom similar to
this still prevails among the Abyssi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 1 Samuel 18:27. _SLEW - TWO HUNDRED MEN._] The Septuagint has
only _one_ _hundred men_. Saul covenanted with David for a _hundred_;
and David himself says, 2 Samuel 3:14, that he espoused Michal for a
_hundred_: hence it is likely that _one hundred_ is the true reading.... [ Continue Reading ]
FORTH_] Probably to avenge themselves on David and the Israelites: but
of this war we know no more than that David was more skilful and
successful in it than any of the other officers of Saul. His military
skill was greater, and his suc... [ Continue Reading ]