Jehoshaphat joins affinity with Ahab, king of Israel, 1, 2;

who invites him to assist him in the war against the Syrians,

to which Jehoshaphat agrees, 3.

They consult the prophets concerning the success of the war;

and all, except Micaiah, promise Ahab victory, 4-17.

Micaiah relates his vision concerning the lying spirit in the

mouth of Ahab's prophets, 18-22.

Zedekiah, a false prophet, opposes Micaiah; and Micaiah is put

in prison, 23-27.

Both the kings go against the Syrians; the confederate armies

are defeated, and the king of Israel slain, 28-31.


Verse 2 Chronicles 18:1. Jehoshaphat had riches and honour] The preceding chapter gives ample proof of this.

Joined affinity with Ahab.] Took his daughter Athalia to be wife to his son Joram.

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