Jehoram succeeds his father Jehoshaphat; and commences his

reign with the murder of his brethren, and of several of

the princes of Israel, 1-5.

He walks in the way of Ahab, whose bad daughter, Athaliah,

he had married, 6.

God remembers his covenant with David, and does not destroy

the nation, 7.

The Edomites revolt, 8-10.

Jehoram restores the high places in the mountains of Judah,

and greatly corrupts the morals of the people, 11.

A letter comes to him from Elijah, 12-15.

The Philistines and Arabians come up against him, pillage his

house, and take away his wives, with all his sons except

Jehoahaz, 16, 17.

He is smitten with an incurable disease in his bowels; of

which, in two years, he dies miserably, after a profligate

reign of eight years, 18-20.


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