Adam Clarke Bible Commentary
2 Chronicles 25:1
Amaziah succeeds his father Joash, and begins his reign well,
1, 2.
He slays his father's murderers but spares their children, 3, 4.
He reviews and remodels the army, 5;
and hires a hundred thousand soldiers out of Israel, whom, on
the expostulation of a prophet, he sends home again, without
bringing them into active service; at which they are greatly
offended, 6-10.
He attacks the Syrians, kills ten thousand, and takes ten
thousand prisoners, whom he precipitates from the top of a
rock, so that they are dashed to pieces, 11, 12.
The Israelitish soldiers, sent back, ravage several of the
cities of Judah, 13.
Amaziah becomes an idolater, 14.
Is reproved by a prophet, whom he threatens, and obliges to
desist, 15, 16.
He challenges Joash, king of Israel, 17;
who reproves him by a parable, 18, 19.
Not desisting, the armies meet, the Jews are overthrown, and
Amaziah taken prisoner by Joash, who ravages the temple, and
takes away all the treasures of the king, 20-24.
The reign of Amaziah: a conspiracy is formed against him; he
flees to Lachish, whither he is pursued and slain; is brought
to Jerusalem, and buried with his fathers, 25-28.