_He exhorts the Thessalonians to stand fast in the faith, and_
_not to be alarmed at the rumours they heard concerning the_
_sudden coming of Christ_, 1, 2.
_Because, previously to this coming, there would be a great_
_apostasy from the true faith, and a manifestation of a son of_... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 2 Thessalonians 2:2. _BE NOT SOON SHAKEN IN MIND_]
αποτουνοος. _From the_ _mind_; i.e. that they should retain
the persuasion they had of the truths which he had before delivered to
them; that they should still hold the same opinions, and hold fast the
doctrines which they had been taught.
_N... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 2 Thessalonians 2:3. _EXCEPT THERE COME A FALLING AWAY FIRST_]
We have the original word αποστασια in our word _apostasy_;
and by this term we understand a _dereliction of the essential
principles of religious_ _truth_-either a _total abandonment_ of
Christianity itself, or such a _corruption_... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 4. _WHO OPPOSETH AND EXALTETH_] He _stands against_ and _exalts_
himself _above_ all Divine authority, and above every _object_ _of
adoration_, and every _institution_ relative to Divine worship,
σεβασμα, himself being the _source_, whence must originate all
the _doctrines_ of religion, and al... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 5. _I TOLD YOU THESE THINGS_] In several parts of this
description of the _man of sin_, the apostle alludes to a conversation
which had taken place between him and the members of this Church when
he was at Thessalonica; and this one circumstance will account for
much of the _obscurity_ that is... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 6. _AND NOW YE KNOW WHAT WITHHOLDETH_] I told you this among
other things; I informed you what it was that _prevented_ this man of
sin, this son of perdition, from revealing himself fully.... [ Continue Reading ]
system of corrupt doctrine, which will lead to the general apostasy,
already in existence, but it is a _mystery_; it is as yet _hidden_; it
dare not show itself, because of that which _hindereth_ or
_withholdeth_. But when that whi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 8. _WHOM THE LORD SHALL CONSUME_] He shall _blast_ him so, that
he shall _wither_ and _die away_; and this shall be done by the
_spirit of his mouth_-the _words of eternal life_, the _true doctrine_
_of the Gospel of Jesus_; this shall be the instrument used to destroy
this man of sin: therefo... [ Continue Reading ]
of God's Spirit sends his messengers; the operation of Satan's spirit
sends his emissaries. The one comes κατ' ενεργειαν του
Θεου, _after_ or _according to the energy_ or inward powerful
_working of God_; the other comes κατ' ενεργ... [ Continue Reading ]
art that cunning can invent and unrighteousness suggest, in order to
delude and deceive.
_IN THEM THAT PERISH_] Εν τοις απολλυμενοις· _Among
them that_ _are destroyed_; and they are destroyed and perish because
they _would not r... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 11. _GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION_] For this very cause,
that they _would not receive the love of the truth_, but _had_
_pleasure in unrighteousness_, therefore God permits _strong delusion_
to occupy their minds; so that they believe a _lie_ rather than the
truth, prefer false apostles... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 12. _THAT THEY ALL MIGHT BE DAMNED_] Ἱνα κριθωσι·
_So_ _that they may all be condemned who believed not the truth_ when
it was proclaimed to them; _but took pleasure in unrighteousness_,
preferring that to the way of holiness. Their condemnation was the
effect of their refusal to believe the... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 13. 14. _GOD HATH FROM THE BEGINNING CHOSEN YOU TO_ _salvation_,
c.] In your _calling_, God has shown the _purpose_ that he had formed
from the _beginning_, to call the Gentiles to the same privileges with
the Jews, not through _circumcision_, and the observance of the Mosaic
law, but by _fait... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 14. 2 Thessalonians 2:13.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 15. _THEREFORE, BRETHREN, STAND FAST_] Their obtaining eternal
glory depended on their _faithfulness_ to the grace of God; for this
_calling_ did not necessarily and irresistibly lead to faith; nor
their faith to the sanctification of the spirit; nor their
sanctification of the spirit to the _... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 16. _NOW OUR LORD JESUS_] As all your _grace_ came from God
through Christ, so the _power_ that is necessary to strengthen and
confirm you unto the end must come in the same way.
_EVERLASTING CONSOLATION_] Παρακλησιν αιωνιαν· The
_glad tidings_ of the Gospel, and the _comfort_ which ye have r... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 2 Thessalonians 2:17. _COMFORT YOUR HEARTS_] Keep your souls
ever under the influence of his Holy Spirit: _and stablish
you_-confirm and strengthen you in your _belief_ of every _good word_
or doctrine, which we have delivered unto you; and in the _practice_
of every _good work_, recommended a... [ Continue Reading ]