Verse 16. The Lord of peace] Jesus Christ, who is called our peace, Ephesians 2:14; and The Prince of peace, Isaiah 9:6. May he give you peace, for he is the Fountain and Dispenser of it.

Always] Both in your own consciences, and among yourselves.

By all means.] παντι τροπω. By all means, methods, occasions, instruments, and occurrences; peace or prosperity in every form and shape.

Instead of εν παντι τροπω, in every way, c., εν παντι τοπω, in every place, is the reading of A*D*FG, some others with the Vulgate and Itala. Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, Augustine, and others, have the same reading: May God grant you prosperity always, and everywhere.

The Lord be with you all.] This is agreeable to the promise of our Lord: Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world; Matthew 28:20. May the Lord, who has promised to be always with his true disciples, be with you! Christians are the temple of God, and the temple of God has the Divine presence in it. May you ever continue to be his Church, that the Lord God may dwell among you!

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