Verse 3 John 1:2. I wish above all things] περι παντων ευχομαι. Above all things I pray that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, και υγιαινειν. to which one MS. adds εν αληθεια, which gives it a different meaning, viz., that thou mayest be sound in the truth. The prayer of St. John for Caius includes three particulars: 1. Health of body; 2. Health of soul; and 3. Prosperity in secular affairs. That thou mayest PROSPER and be in HEALTH, as thy SOUL PROSPERETH. These three things, so necessary to the comfort of life, every Christian may in a certain measure expect, and for them every Christian is authorized to pray; and we should have more of all three if we devoutly prayed for them.

It appears from the last clause that the soul of Caius was in a very prosperous state.

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