Verse Acts 18:14. Paul was now about to open his mouth] He was about to enter on his defense; but Gallio, perceiving that the prosecution was through envy and malice, would not put Paul to any farther trouble, but determined the matter as follows.

If it were a matter of wrong] αδικημα, Of injustice; any thing contrary to the rights of the subject.

Or wicked lewdness] ραδιουργημα πονηρον, Destructive mischief. (Acts 13:10, where the word is explained.) Something by which the subject is grievously wronged; were it any crime against society or against the state.

Reason would that I should bear with you.] κατα λογον αν ηνεσχομην υμων, According to reason, or the merit of the case, I should patiently hear you.

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