_St. Paul, and the rest of the crew, getting safely ashore, find_
_that the island on which they were shipwrecked is called_
Melita, 1.
_They are received with great hospitality by the inhabitants_, 2.
_A viper comes out of the bundle of sticks, laid on the fire, and_
_seizes o... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:2. _THE BARBAROUS PEOPLE_] We have already seen that
this island was peopled by the Phoenicians, or Carthaginians, as
Bochart has proved, _Phaleg_. chap. xxvi.; and their ancient language
was no doubt in use among them at that time, though mingled with some
Greek and Latin terms; and... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:3. _THERE CAME A VIPER OUT OF THE HEAT_] We may
naturally suppose that there had been fuel laid _before_ on the fire,
and that the viper was in this fuel, and that it had been revived by
the _heat_; and, when St. Paul laid his bundle on the fire, the viper
was then in a state to lay ho... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:4. _THE VENOMOUS BEAST_] το θηριον, The venomous
animal; for θηρια is a general name among the Greek writers for
_serpents,_ _vipers, scorpions, wasps_, and such like creatures.
Though the viper fastened on Paul's hand, it does not appear that it
really _bit_ him; but the Maltese suppo... [ Continue Reading ]
HARM._] This is a presumptive evidence that the viper did not _bite_
St. Paul: it fastened on his hand, but had no power to injure him.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:6. _WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE SWOLLEN_] πιμπρασθαι,
When he should have been _inflamed_: by means of an acrid poison
introduced into the blood, it is soon coagulated; and, in consequence,
the extremities of the vessels become obstructed, strong inflammation
takes place, and all the parts bec... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:7. _THE CHIEF MAN OF THE ISLAND_] The term πρωτος,
CHIEF, used hereby St. Luke, was the ancient title of the _governor_
of this island, as is evident from an inscription found in Malta,
which runs thus:-
Λ. Κ. υἱος, κυρ. ἱππευς. ῥωμ. πρωτος
_Lucius Caius, son of Quirinu... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:8. _THE FATHER OF PUBLIUS LAY SICK_] πυρετοις
και δυσεντερια; Of a fever and dysentery; perhaps a
_cholera morbus_.
_PAUL - PRAYED_] That God would exert his power; _and laid his hands_
_on him_, as the means which God ordinarily used to convey the energy
of the Holy Spirit, and _heal... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:9. _OTHERS - WHICH HAD DISEASES_] Luke was a
_physician_; yet we do not find him engaging in these cures. As a
medical man, he might have been of use to the father of Publius; but
he is not even _consulted_ on the occasion. _Paul enters in to him,
prays for_ _him, lays his hands on him... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:10. _HONOURED US WITH MANY HONOURS_] The word τιμη,
as Bishop Pearce has remarked, is often used to signify a pecuniary
_recompense_, or _present_. The Greek word seems to be thus used in 1
Timothy 5:17. _Let the elders which rule well be accounted worthy of
double_ _HONOUR_, τιμης, w... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:11. _AFTER THREE MONTHS_] Supposing that they had
reached Malta about the end of _October_, as we have already seen,
then it appears that they left it about the end of _January_, or the
beginning of _February_; and, though in the depth of winter, not the
worst time for sailing, even in... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:12. _LANDING AT SYRACUSE_] In order to go to _Rome_ from
_Malta_, their readiest course was to keep pretty close to the eastern
coast of Sicily, in order to pass through the straits of _Rhegium_ and
get into the _Tyrrhenian_ Sea.
_Syracuse_ is one of the most famous cities of antiqui... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:13. _WE FETCHED A COMPASS_] οθεν
περιελθοντες, _Whence we_ _coasted about_. This will
appear evident, when the coast of Sicily is viewed on any correct map,
of a tolerably large scale.
_RHEGIUM_] A city and promontory in Calabria, in Italy, opposite to
Sicily. It is now called _Reggio... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:14. _WHERE WE FOUND BRETHREN_] That is, _Christians_;
for there had been many in Italy converted to the faith of Christ,
some considerable time before this, as appears from St. Paul's epistle
to the Romans, written some years before this voyage.
_WE WENT TOWARD ROME._] One of the mos... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:15. _WHEN THE BRETHREN HEARD OF US_] By _whom_ the
Gospel was planted at Rome is not known: it does not appear that any
_apostle_ was employed in this work. It was probably carried thither
by some of those who were converted to God at the day of pentecost;
for there were then at Jerusa... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:16. _THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD_]
στρατοπεδαρχη. This word properly means the _commander of
a camp_; but it signifies the _prefect_, or _commander of the
pretorian cohorts_, or _emperor's_ _guards_.
_Tacitus_ (Annal. lib. iv. cap. 2) informs us that, in the reign of
Tiberius, _Sejanus_... [ Continue Reading ]
have already seen, in Acts 18:2, that _Claudius had commanded all Jews
to depart from Rome_; see the note there: but it seems they were
permitted to return very soon; and, from this verse, it appears that
there were then _chiefs_, pr... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:20. _FOR THE HOPE OF ISRAEL I AM BOUND_, c.] As if he
had said: This, and this alone, is the cause of my being delivered
into the hands of the Romans I have proclaimed _Jesus_ as the
_Messiah_; have maintained that though he was crucified by the Jews,
yet he rose again from the dead;... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:21. _WE NEITHER RECEIVED LETTERS_, c.] This is very
strange, and shows us that the Jews knew their cause to be _hopeless_,
and therefore did not send it forward to Rome. They wished for an
opportunity to kill Paul: and, when they were frustrated by his appeal
to the emperor, they permi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:22. _FOR AS CONCERNING THIS SECT_] Acts 24:14, Acts
24:14. A saying of _Justin Martyr_ casts some light on this saying of
the Jews: he asserts that the Jews not only _cursed them_ in their
synagogues, but they _sent out chosen men_ from Jerusalem, to
_acquaint the_ _world_, and particu... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:23. _TO WHOM HE EXPOUNDED - THE KINGDOM OF GOD_] To whom
he showed that the reign of the Messiah was to be a spiritual reign;
and that _Jesus_, whom the Jewish rulers had lately crucified, was the
_true Messiah_, who should rule in this spiritual kingdom. These two
points were probably... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:24. _SOME BELIEVED_, c.] His message was there treated
as his Gospel is to the present day: some believe, and are converted
others continue in obstinate unbelief, and perish. Could the Jews then
have credited the spiritual nature of the Messiah's kingdom, they
would have found little d... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:25. _AGREED NOT AMONG THEMSELVES_] It seems that a
controversy arose between the _Jews_ themselves, in consequence of
some _believing_, and others _disbelieving_; and the two parties
contested together; and, in respect to the _unbelieving_ party, the
apostle quoted the following passag... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:26. _HEARING YE SHALL HEAR_, c.] See the notes on
Matthew 13:14, and John 12:39, John 12:40.... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Paul had spoken to this effect twice before, Acts 13:46, and Acts
18:6, where see the notes; but here he uses a firmer tone, being out
of the Jewish territories, and under the protection of the emperor. By
_the salvation of God_... [ Continue Reading ]
believers contending with the unbelievers; and thus we may suppose
that the cause of truth gained ground. For contentions about the truth
and authenticity of the religion of Christ infallibly end in the
triumph and extension of that... [ Continue Reading ]
HOUSE_] As a state prisoner, he might have had an apartment in the
common prison; but peculiar favour was showed him, and he was
permitted to dwell alone, with the soldier that guarded him, Acts
28:16. Finding now an opportunity of prea... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Acts 28:31. _PREACHING THE KINGDOM OF GOD_] Showing the
spiritual nature of the true Church, under the reign of the _Messiah_.
For an explanation of this phrase, Matthew 3:2, Matthew 3:2.
_THOSE THINGS WHICH CONCERN THE LORD_] The Redeemer of the world was
to be represented as the LORD; as J... [ Continue Reading ]