Verse Acts 3:24. All the prophets from Samuel] Dr. Lightfoot observes: "We have Moses and Samuel mentioned together in this place, as also Psalms 99:6, because there were few or no prophets between these two, 1 Samuel 3:1, and the apparition of angels having been more frequent; but, after the decease of Phineas, it is a question whether there was any oracle by Urim and Thummim, through the defect of prophecy in the high priests, till the times of Samuel. But then it revived in Abimelec, Abiather, c." The Jews have a saying, Hieros. Chagigah, fol. 77. גכיאים שמואל דבן של Samuel was the chief of the prophets. Perhaps it was in reference to this that Peter said, All the prophets from Samuel, c.

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