_The duty of masters to their servants_, 1.
_Continuance in prayer recommended, to which watchfulness and_
_thanksgiving should be joined_, 2.
_And to pray particularly for the success of the Gospel_, 3, 4.
_Directions concerning walking wisely, redeeming of time, and_
_godly conve... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Colossians 4:2. _CONTINUE IN PRAYER_] This was the apostle's
general advice to all; without this, neither wives, husbands,
children, parents, servants, nor masters, could fulfil the duties
which God, in their respective stations, required of them.
All might, power, and life come from God; hi... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Colossians 4:3. _PRAYING ALSO FOR US_] Let the success and
spread of the Gospel be ever dear to you; and neglect not to pray
fervently to God that it may have free course, run, and be glorified.
_A DOOR OF UTTERANCE_] θυραν του λογου. The word
θυρα, which commonly signifies a _door_, or such... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Colossians 4:4. _THAT I MAY MAKE IT MANIFEST_] It was a
_mystery_, and he wished to make it _manifest_-to lay it _open_, and
make all men _see_ it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 5. _WALK IN WISDOM_] Act wisely and prudently in reference to
them who are _without_-who yet continue unbelieving Gentiles or
persecuting Jews.
The Church of Christ was considered an _enclosure_; a _field_, or
_vineyard_, well hedged or walled. Those who were not members of it,
were consider... [ Continue Reading ]
Let it be such as has a tendency to oppose and preserve from the
corruption of sin. The rabbins say: "He who, in prayer, omits any
word, should begin again at the beginning; for he who does not is like
boiled pottage, in which th... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 7. _ALL MY STATE SHALL TYCHICUS_] See the note on Ephesians
6:21. Tychicus well knew the apostle's zeal and perseverance in
preaching the Gospel, his sufferings on that account, his success in
converting both Jews and Gentiles, and the converts which were made in
Caesar's household; he could g... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 8. _THAT HE MIGHT KNOW YOUR ESTATE_] Instead of ινα γνω
τα περι υμων, _that_ HE _may know_ YOUR _affairs_, ABD*FG,
many others, with the _AEthiopic, Itala, Theodoret_, and _Damascenus_,
read ινα γνωτε τα περι ημων, that YE may know OUR
affairs; which is probably the true reading. Tychicus was... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 9. _WITH ONESIMUS - WHO IS_ ONE _OF YOU._] Onesimus was a native
of some part of Phrygia, if not of Colosse itself; and being lately
converted to the Christian faith by the instrumentality of the
apostle, he would be able, on this account, to give them satisfactory
information concerning the a... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 10. _ARISTARCHUS MY FELLOW PRISONER_] Concerning Aristarchus,
see Acts 19:29; Acts 20:4; Acts 27:2; and see the note on this latter
place (Acts 27:2, Acts 27:2. Aristarchus and Epaphras are mentioned as
saluters in this epistle, and in that to Philemon written at the same
time; but here he is... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 11. _JESUS, WHICH IS CALLED JUSTUS_] Jesus, Joshua, or Jehoshua,
was his name among his countrymen the Jews; _Justus_ was the name
which he bore among the Greeks and Romans.
_THESE ONLY_] That is, only Aristarchuss Marcus, and Jesus Justus,
who were formerly Jews or proselytes; for οι οντες... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 12. _EPAPHRAS, WHO IS_ ONE _OF YOU_] A native of some part of
Phrygia, and probably of Colosse itself.
_A SERVANT OF CHRIST_] A minister of the Gospel.
_LABOURING FERVENTLY FOR YOU_] αγωνιζομενος. _Agonizing_;
very properly expressed by our translators, _labouring fervently_.
_THAT YE MAY S... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 13. _HE HATH A GREAT ZEAL FOR YOU_] Instead of ζηλον
πολυν, much zeal, ABCD**, several others, with _versions_ and
_fathers_, read πολυν πονον, _much labour_; they are here
nearly of the same meaning, though the latter appears to be the better
and genuine reading.
_LAODICEA, AND-HIERAPOLIS_]... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 14. _LUKE, THE BELOVED PHYSICIAN_] This is generally supposed to
be the same with Luke the evangelist. See the preface to the notes on
this gospel. Some, however, suppose them to be different persons;
because, where it is evident that Luke the evangelist is meant, he
never has more than his si... [ Continue Reading ]
person, and his whole family, which probably was very numerous, appear
to have received the Gospel; and it seems that, for their benefit and
that of his neighbours, he had opened his house for the worship of
God. In those primitive t... [ Continue Reading ]
_LAODICEANS_] That is: Let a copy be taken, and sent to them, that it
may be read there also. This appears to have been a regular custom in
the apostolic Church.
that this... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse 17. _SAY TO ARCHIPPUS_] Who this person was we cannot tell;
there have been various conjectures concerning him; some think he was
bishop, or overseer of the Church at Colosse, in the absence of
Epaphras. Whatever he was, it has been supposed that he had been
remiss in discharging the duties o... [ Continue Reading ]
Verse Colossians 4:18. _THE SALUTATION BY THE HAND OF ME PAUL._] The
preceding part of the epistle was written by a scribe, from the mouth
of the apostle: this, and what follows, was written by the hand of St.
Paul himself. A similar distinction we find, 1 Corinthians 16:21, and
in 2 Thessalonians 3... [ Continue Reading ]