Verse Daniel 1:2. Part of the vessels of the house of God] He took the richest and finest of them for the service of his god Bel, and left what were necessary for carrying on the public worship of Jehovah, (for he did not attempt to alter the civil or religious constitution of Judea;) for leaving Jehoiakim on the throne, he only laid the land under tribute. The Chaldeans carried these sacred vessels away at three different times.

1. In the war spoken of in this place.

2. In the taking of Jerusalem and Jeconiah a few months after, 2 Kings 24:13.

3. Eleven years after, under the reign of Zedekiah, when the city and temple were totally destroyed, and the land ruined, 2 Kings 25:8.

The land of Shinar ] This was the ancient mame of Babylon. See Genesis 11:2.

The treasure house of his god.] This was Bel, who had a splendid temple in Babylon, and was the tutelar god of the city and empire.

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