Verse Daniel 6:26. I make a decree that - men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel] As in the case of the three Hebrews, Daniel 3:29. The true God was known by his servants, and by the deliverances he wrought for them. See his characters in this decree.

1. He is the living God, the Author and Giver of life; all others are dead gods.

2. He is steadfast for ever. All things change; but he is unchangeable.

3. He has a kingdom; for as he made all things, so he governs all things.

4. His kingdom shall not be destroyed. No human power can prevail against it, because it is upheld by his omnipotence.

5. His dominion is without end. It is an everlasting dominion, under an everlasting rule, by an everlasting God.

6. He delivereth them that are in danger and bondage.

7. He rescueth those who have fallen into the hands of their enemies, and implore his succour.

8. He worketh signs in the heavens.

9. And wonders upon earth; showing that both are under his sway, and are parts of his dominion.

10. And to complete all, He hath delivered Daniel. Before our own eyes he has given the fullest proof of his power and goodness, in rescuing his faithful servant from the teeth of the lions. What a fine eulogium on the great God and his faithful servant!

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