Verse Deuteronomy 18:10. To pass through the fire] Probably in the way of consecration to Molech, or some other deity. It is not likely that their being burnt to death is here intended. Leviticus 18:21.

Divination] קסם קסמים kosem kesamim, one who endeavours to find out futurity by auguries, using lots, c.

Observer of times] מעונן meonen, one who pretends to foretell future events by present occurrences, and who predicts great political or physical changes from the aspects of the planets, eclipses, motion of the clouds, c., c. Genesis 41:8.

Enchanter] מנחש menachesh, from נחש nichesh, to view attentively one who inspected the entrails of beasts, observed the flight of birds, c., c., and drew auguries thence. Some think divination by serpents is meant, which was common among the heathen.

A witch] מחשף mechashsheph, probably those who by means of drugs, herbs, perfumes, c., pretended to bring certain celestial influences to their aid. See the note on "Leviticus 19:26".

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